Inner Engineering Quotes | Sadhguru | Scribble Whatever

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Inner Engineering
Sadhguru (Author of Inner Engineering)

“All physical creation is fundamentally a certain perfection of geometry. Without geometry, no physical form is possible. If we get the geometry of the human body right, it becomes capable of reflecting the larger geometry of the cosmos within, and making the cosmic available for our experience. In other words, the human body is capable of downloading the entire cosmos.” (Inner Engineering Quotes)

Inner Engineering
Inner Engineering Quotes

“An intellectual understanding that is not backed by experiential knowledge can lead to mind games and deceptive states.”

Inner Engineering

“Anger is fundamentally self-defeating. If you look at your life closely, you will find that you have done the most idiotic and life-negative things when you were angry. Above all, you were working against yourself. If you work against yourself, if you sabotage your own well-being, you are obviously choosing unintelligence as a way of life.”

Inner Engineering

“Anger is rooted in your false perception that you can change the situation by losing your temper with it. But your life experience tells you time and again that the reverse is true, that you can never change any situation for the better by forsaking your sense and intelligence. You only mess up your situations by getting angry. Once you see that clearly, you’ve taken the first step toward change.”

Inner Engineering

“Being responsible is taking ownership of your life. It means you have taken the first radical step to becoming a complete human being—fully conscious and fully human. In taking responsibility and beginning the journey toward conscious living, you are putting an end to the age-old patterns of assigning blame outward or heavenward. You have begun the greatest adventure life has to offer: the voyage inward.”

Inner Engineering

“Belief is just like morality. People who believe something often think they are superior to others.”

Inner Engineering

“Believing means you have assumed something that you do not know; seeking means you have realized that you do not know.”

Inner Engineering

“Bullshit may get you to the top, but it never lets you stay there!”

Inner Engineering

“But to be loving is simply this: a willingness to respond freely and openly. Right now, it may be limited to one or two people in your lives. But it is possible to extend this ability to embrace the entire world.”

Inner Engineering
Inner Engineering Quotes

“Choices that you make out of inability are not life solutions. An inability to be joyful by your own nature can make the simplest issues in life seem like highly complex problems. Right now being peaceful and joyful is made out to be the most significant problem in human existence. In pursuit of human happiness, we are ripping the planet apart.”

Inner Engineering

“Confidence and stupidity are a very dangerous combination, but they generally go together.”

Inner Engineering

“Destiny has become a popular scapegoat, a way to deal with failure, a fatalistic ruse to reconcile ourselves to all kinds of uncomfortable situations. But turning inward is the first step from passivity to agency – from being a victim toward becoming a master of your own destiny.”

Inner Engineering

“Don’t ask your doctor, your nutritionist, or your yoga teacher. When it comes to food, it is about the body. Ask the body what kind of food it is most comfortable with, not your tongue. The kind of food your body feels most comfortable with is always the ideal food to eat.”

Inner Engineering

“Eating natural foods, in their uncooked condition, when the cells are still alive, will bring an enormous sense of health and vitality to the system.”

Inner Engineering

“Enlightenment is not an attainment or an achievement. It is a homecoming. Your senses give you the impression that you are experiencing the outside, but you have never experienced the outside. When you realize that all that you experience is within, that absolute homecoming is enlightenment.”

Inner Engineering

“Every moment there are a million miracles happening around you: a flower blossoming, a bird tweeting, a bee humming, a raindrop falling, a snowflake wafting along the clear evening air. There is magic everywhere. If you learn how to live it, life is nothing short of a daily miracle.”

Inner Engineering

“Everything that ever happened to you, you experienced right within you. Light and darkness, pain and pleasure, agony and ecstasy—all of it happened within you. If someone touches your hand right now, you may think you are experiencing their hand, but the fact of the matter is you are only experiencing the sensations in your own hand. The whole experience is contained within. All human experience is one hundred percent self-created.”

Inner Engineering

“For the first time in the history of humanity, we have the necessary resources, capability, and technology to address every issue on the planet – of nourishment, health, education, you name it. We have tremendous tools of science and technology at our disposal – powerful enough to make or break the world several times over. However, if the ability to wield such powerful instruments is not accompanied by a deep sense of compassion, inclusiveness, balance, and maturity, we could be on the brink of a global disaster.”

Inner Engineering

“I couldn’t help noticing that people coming out of restaurants always had more joyful faces than those coming out of temples. That intrigued me.”

Inner Engineering

“I understood that being loving and compassionate is not an idea. To live in empathy is not some esoteric principle. This is the way a human being is made. If you do not identify with anything you have accumulated over a period of time, including your body and mind, you will be able to experience this.”

Inner Engineering

“If you consciously get your body into different postures, you can elevate your consciousness.”

Inner Engineering

“If you eat raw meat, it takes between seventy to seventy-two hours to pass through your system; cooked meat takes fifty to fifty-two hours; cooked vegetables twenty-four to thirty hours; uncooked vegetables twelve to fifteen hours; fruits one and a half to three hours.”

Inner Engineering

“If you handle your entire life with logic alone, you will end up a mess.”

Inner Engineering

“If you tell yourself you don’t want to think a certain thought, that is precisely the first thing your mind will produce! That is the nature of the human mind.”

Inner Engineering
Inner Engineering Quotes

“If you think a hundred percent logically, there is really no possibility of life! Moments of extreme logic are moments of suicide. Only if you know when logic should be used and when it’s necessary to go beyond it, will your life be beautiful.”

Inner Engineering

“In life, there is no “this” and “that”; there is only “this” and “this.” This means everything is here and now. There is no “yes” and “no.” There is just “yes” and “yes”! The choice is yours.”

Inner Engineering

“Infectious diseases happen because of external organisms, but chronic diseases are manufactured daily by human beings. When your energy body is in full vibrancy and proper balance, chronic diseases cannot exist in the body. I could introduce you to thousands of people who have gotten rid of their physical and psychological ailments just by doing certain simple yogic practices. These practices are not aimed at the disease. They are just aimed at bringing a certain harmony and vitality to the energy body.”

Inner Engineering

“Irrespective of what you think you are, when death confronts you, every identification falls away. If human beings learned to drop these voluntarily, life would be blissful. And if you do not encumber your intellect with any identifications – body, gender, family, qualifications, society, race, caste, creed, community, nation, even species – you travel naturally toward your ultimate nature. If not, death will demolish it all anyway. You need have no doubt about that!”

Inner Engineering

“It does not matter how large a boundary we set, the moment you become conscious of it, the longing to break it is instinctive.”

Inner Engineering

“It is our compulsive reaction to the situations in which we are placed that causes stress.”

Inner Engineering

“Learning to listen is the essence of intelligent living.”

Inner Engineering
Inner Engineering Quotes

“Life has left everything open for you. Existence has not blocked anything for anyone. If you are willing, you can access the whole universe. Someone said, “Knock and it shall open.” You don’t even have to knock, because there is no door. It is open. You just have to walk through, that’s all.”

Inner Engineering

“Literally, yoga means “union.” When you are in yoga, it means that in your experience, everything has become one. This is the essence of the science. This is also its deepest aim.”

Inner Engineering

“Morality always differs from person to person, according to time, place, situation – and convenience. But wherever humanity has found its expression, at any time in history or in any culture in the world, it has always been the same and will always be. On a superficial level, in terms of our values, morals, and ethics, each one of us may be different. But if you know how to pierce a person deep enough to touch this humanity, each one of us is the same.”

Inner Engineering

“Most carnivorous animals do not eat every day—definitely not three times a day! They know the food they eat moves very slowly through their tracts.”

Inner Engineering

“Once your intellect gets identified with something, it gets chained to the identifications, and leaves you with a completely distorted experience of the world.”

Inner Engineering

“One of the biggest problems in the world today is loneliness. It is quite incredible. The planet is teeming with seven billion people, but people are lonely! If someone enjoys being alone, there is no problem at all. But most people are suffering because of it! They are going through serious psychological problems as a consequence. If you are lonely, it is because you have chosen to become an island unto yourself. It doesn’t have to be this way. “I am not responsible” makes you unwilling to get along with anyone—until you can’t even get along with yourself. It often comes to a point when you believe you are not even responsible for what is happening within yourself!”

Inner Engineering

“Pain or pleasure, joy or misery, agony or ecstasy, happens only inside you. Human folly is that people are always trying to extract joy from the outside. You may use the outside as a stimulus or trigger, but the real thing always comes from within.”

Inner Engineering

“Peace and joy are the basic requirements for a life of well-being.”

Inner Engineering

“People are even beginning to think that fear is a natural part of their existence. No. Fear is a result of the incompleteness of your existence. If you have not explored life in its magnitude and multidimensionality, but have limited yourself to the physical body, fear is a natural consequence.”

Inner Engineering

“People think spirituality is about looking for God or truth or the ultimate. The problem is you have already defined what you are looking for. It is not the object of your search that is important; it is the faculty of looking. The ability to simply look without motive is missing in the world today. Everybody is a psychological creature, wanting to assign meaning to everything. Seeking is not about looking for something. It is about enhancing your perception, your very faculty of seeing.”

Inner Engineering

“Reactivity is enslavement. Responsibility is freedom. When you are able to create yourself the way you want, you can create your life the way you want as well. Your outer life may not be a hundred percent in your control, but your inner life always will.”

Inner Engineering

“Reactivity is enslavement. Responsibility is freedom.”

Inner Engineering

“Resentment, anger, jealousy, pain, hurt, and depression are poisons that you drink but expect someone else to die. Life does not work that way. Most people take lifetimes to understand this simple truth.”

Inner Engineering

“Responsibility simply means your ability to respond.”

Inner Engineering

“Sex is natural; it is there in the body. Sexuality is something you invented; it is psychological. If sex is in the body, it is fine, it is beautiful. The moment it enters your mind, it becomes a perversion. It has no business with your mind. Sex is a small aspect of you, but today it has become huge. For many, it has become life itself.”

Inner Engineering

“Spirituality does not mean moving away from life; it means becoming alive to the core, in the fullest possible way. With age, physical agility may diminish, but the level of joy and aliveness need not. If your level of joy and aliveness is declining, you are committing suicide in installments.”

Inner Engineering

“That’s the way life is – not an independent, self-contained bubble but a moment-to-moment dialogue with the universe. You don’t have to work at making it that way. You just have to see it the way it is.”

Inner Engineering

“The body is a pretty complete and self-contained instrument. If you are fascinated by machines, there isn’t a better one! This is the most sophisticated piece of machinery on this planet – it embodies the highest level of mechanics, the highest level of electronics, the most sophisticated electrical circuitry you can imagine.”

Inner Engineering

“The human mechanism is the most sophisticated physical form on the planet. You are the greatest piece of technology, but the problem is you don’t know where the keyboard is. It’s like you’re handling a supercomputer with a pickaxe and a wrench! As a result, the simple life process is taking a toll upon humanity. Just to earn a living, to reproduce, to raise a family, and then one day to fall dead – what a challenge! It is amazing how human beings struggle just to do what every worm, insect, bird, and animal does quite effortlessly.”

Inner Engineering

“The human predicament is just this: the very seat of your experience is within you, but your perception is entirely outward bound.”

Inner Engineering

“The identity around which the intellect functions is called ahankara.”

Inner Engineering

“The only reason it has been inaccessible is that you are either busy or preoccupied with what is happening outside or far too engaged in your own psychological drama. It is just a lack of attention which has denied people the possibility of discovering what lies within.”

Inner Engineering

“The only thing that stands between you and your well-being is a simple fact: you have allowed your thoughts and emotions to take instruction from the outside rather than the inside.”

Inner Engineering
Inner Engineering Quotes

“The physical body is a fantastic stepping-stone for higher possibilities, but for most people it functions as a roadblock. The compulsions of the body do not allow them to go forward. Practicing surya namaskar maintains physical balance and receptivity, and is a means of taking the body to the edge, so that it is not a hurdle.”

Inner Engineering

“The planet is spinning on time: not a small event. All the galaxies are managing fine; the whole cosmos is doing great. But you have one nasty little thought crawling through your head, and it is a bad day! The problem is you are living in a psychological space that bears no connection with reality. And you are insecure, because it can collapse at any moment.”

Inner Engineering

“The quality of our lives is determined by our ability to respond to the varied complex situations that we encounter. If the ability to respond with intelligence, competence, and sensitivity is compromised by a compulsive or reactive approach, we are enslaved by the situation. It means we have allowed the nature of our life experience to be determined by our circumstances, not by us.”

Inner Engineering

“The science of yoga is, quite simply, the science of being in perfect alignment, in absolute harmony, in complete sync with existence.”

Inner Engineering

“The sole aim of every individual’s life energies is to touch the infinite – the very core of our making. They know no other aim. Your mind may be thinking of money or a new house, your body may be longing for food or sleep, but your life energies are always longing to break the boundaries set by your physical and mental structures.”

Inner Engineering

“The walls of self-preservation that you build for today are the walls of self-imprisonment for tomorrow. Boundaries that you establish in your life as a protection for yourself today will feel like constraints tomorrow.”

Inner Engineering

“The way you eat not only decides your physical health, but the very way you think, feel, and experience life. Trying to eat intelligently means understanding what kind of fuel this body is designed for and accordingly supplying it, so that it functions at its best.”

Inner Engineering

“The whole effort of the spiritual process is to break the boundaries you have drawn for yourself and experience the immensity that you are. The aim is to unshackle yourself from the limited identity you have forged, as a result of your own ignorance, and live the way the Creator made you – utterly blissful and infinitely responsible.”

Inner Engineering

“There is a significant difference between believing and seeking. Believing means you have assumed something that you do not know; seeking means you have realized that you do not know. This brings an enormous amount of flexibility. The moment you believe something, you bring a certain rigidity into the very life process that you are. This rigidity is not just in attitude; it percolates into every aspect of your life and is the cause of an enormous amount of suffering in the world.”

Inner Engineering

“There is really no such thing as conditional love and unconditional love. There are conditions and there is love. When you talk about love, it has to be unconditional. The moment there is a condition, it just amounts to a transaction. Maybe a convenient transaction, maybe a good arrangement, but that will not fulfill you or transport you to another dimension. It is just convenient. Love need not necessarily be convenient; most of the time it is not. It takes life. You have to invest yourself.”

Inner Engineering

“There is something within every human being that dislikes boundaries, that is longing to become boundless. Human nature is such that we always yearn to be something more than what we are right now. No matter how much we achieve, we still want to be something more. If we just looked at this closely, we would realize that this longing is not for more; this longing is for all. We are all seeking to become infinite.”

Inner Engineering

“To be human means you can mold situations you are living in the way you want them.”

Inner Engineering

“To program the calories you must consume and the number of hours you must sleep is a foolish way to handle life.”

Inner Engineering

“Unless you do the right things, the right things will not happen to you.”

Inner Engineering

“We are the most comfortable generation to have ever lived on this planet. The rub is that we are definitely not the most joyful, or the most loving, or the most peaceful.”

Inner Engineering

“We need to understand that unless we do the right things, the right things will not happen to us: this is true not just of the outside world, but also the inside.”

Inner Engineering

“Whatever we do not want to take responsibility for, whatever we cannot make sense of logically, we label “destiny.” It is a consoling word, but disempowering.”

Inner Engineering

“When most people say “life,” they mean the accessories of life – their work, their family, their relationships, the homes they live in, the cars they drive, the clothes they wear, or the gods they pray to. The one thing they miss is life – the life process itself, the essential life that is you. The moment you make this fundamental mistake of identifying something that is not you as yourself, life becomes an unnecessary struggle.”

Inner Engineering

“When most people say “life,” they mean the accessories of life—their work, their family, their relationships, the homes they live in, the cars they drive, the clothes they wear, or the gods they pray to.”

Inner Engineering

“When pain, misery, or anger happen, it is time to look within you, not around you.”

Inner Engineering

“When you are young and your intelligence is hijacked by your hormones, sex will be the way. You are middle-aged and your intelligence is hijacked by your emotions, love is the way. When you are old and bereft of hormonal mischief, prayer is the way. But irrespective of age, when you transcend all this and seek the same union on a much higher level of awareness, then yoga is the way.”

Inner Engineering

“When you pursue your own likes and dislikes, you feel alone in this vast existence, constantly insecure, unstable, psychologically challenged. But once existence yields to you, it delivers you to a different place of grace – where every pebble, every rock, every tree, every atom, speaks to you in a language you understand. Every moment there are a million miracles happening around you: a flower blossoming, a bird tweeting, a bee humming, a raindrop falling, a snowflake wafting along the clear evening air. There is magic everywhere. If you learn how to live it, life is nothing short of a daily miracle.”

Inner Engineering

“Yoga is essentially a way of re-creating the body so that it serves a higher purpose. The human body can function as a piece of flesh and blood or as the very source of creation.”

Inner Engineering
Inner Engineering Quotes

“Yoga is not about being superhuman; it is about realizing that being human is super.”

Inner Engineering

“Your body is like a barometer. If you know how to read it, it can tell you everything about you and the world around you. The body never lies. So in yoga, we learn to trust the body. We transform the physical body from a series of compulsions of flesh, blood, and hormones into a conscious process, a powerful instrument of perception and knowing. If you know how to read the body, it can tell you your potential, your limitations, even your past, present, and future. That is why the fundamental yoga starts with the physical body.”

Inner Engineering

“Your destiny is written by you unconsciously. If you have mastery over your physical body, fifteen to twenty percent of your life and destiny will be in your hands. If you have mastery over your mind, fifty to sixty percent of your life and destiny will be in your hands. If you have mastery over your life energies, a hundred percent of your life and destiny will be in your hands.”

Inner Engineering

“Your ideas of good and bad are just a certain level of prejudice against life.”

Inner Engineering

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Inner Engineering Quotes

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