Faith Martin Quotes

Faith Martin

Faith Martin  is a pen name of English author Jacquie Walton, who is best known for her popular detective series, starring Detective Inspector Hillary Greene. She also writes under the pen names Maxine Barry and Joyce Cato (Faith Martin Quotes)

“And if selfishness and a lack of sexual discernment were to be judged a good enough reason to murder someone, then the death rate would surely sky-rocket.”

Faith Martin
The Teatime Mystery

“And no doubt there was also a hint of one-upmanship in Debbie not passing on the information to the SIO in charge of her sister’s case. It was human nature to get resentful and bloody-minded when pressed too far, after all.”

Faith Martin
Murder Never Retires

“Aware that she was being less than tactful, she stopped talking. ‘Oh dear,’ she said. They really were still in the dark.”

Faith Martin
The Birthday Mystery

“Brian Herbert, still watching from the back of the boat, felt justified in losing him in the first place. See, he could say, I told you he was like an eel. The sod must be as double-jointed as a bloody snake.”

Faith Martin
Murder on the Oxford Canal

“But the old are more resilient than you think. They get used to bad indigestion, putting up with arthritis, gout, gammy legs, bad backs, you name it. They almost expect to hurt.”

Faith Martin
Murder at Home

“But then, wasn’t there always more to any woman than a mere man might think?”

Faith Martin
The Riverboat Mystery

“Don’t you think the world would be a better place if we refrained from speaking ill of the living?”

Faith Martin
A Fatal Affair

“Fighting a losing battle was pointless, and it was far better to keep your powder dry for the battles you could win.”

Faith Martin
The Ryder and Loveday Series Books 1–3

“Hey,’ she said, shutting the door behind her, and making herself comfortable in the large padded chair facing his desk, without being asked. She had no need to stand on ceremony with Mel, who was one of her oldest friends. ‘How’s Janine?’ A few months ago, he’d married DS Janine Tyler, who’d been working on Hillary’s team for three years. Now, with the marriage, Janine had moved to Witney nick, and Hillary had a new DS.”

Faith Martin
Murder in the Mansion

“His gaze was clear and openly salacious, and in a way, she found his uncomplicated sexual invitation entertaining rather than insulting.”

Faith Martin
The Teatime Mystery

“Hope was a bitch. It tormented you far more than pain or grief ever did.”

Faith Martin
Hillary’s Final Case

“If she’d been the type to want an uncomplicated, one-off bout of recreational sex, she had to acknowledge that she probably couldn’t do any better.”

Faith Martin
The Teatime Mystery

“In my experience, men or women who kill out of “hopeless love” suffer from low self-esteem and all that malarkey.”

Faith Martin
The Teatime Mystery

“Invasion into his market, he wouldn’t be a happy bunny,’ Mike pointed out. ‘There’s good money to be had from expensive Toms.’ Hillary sighed. ‘Getting a bit ahead of ourselves, aren’t we? We’ve got one dead student, who happened to be making some money hooking.”

Faith Martin
Murder at the University

“It was a beautiful Sunday evening in mid-March when Hillary Greene turned the corner onto a very familiar part of the Oxford canal. Up ahead, she could just make out the first glimpse of the few rooftops and chimneys that marked the small hamlet of Thrupp, which was less than a mile from Kidlington, in the heart of Oxfordshire’s Thames Valley.” (Faith Martin Quotes)

Faith Martin
Murder Never Retires

“It’s a very lucrative field, you see. Keeping gangsters and corporate sharks out of jail.”

Faith Martin
A Fatal Affair

“Jenny beamed at him. She liked to see a man eat. Well, she liked to see anybody eat.”

Faith Martin
The Teatime Mystery

“Jenny flashed him her clearest ‘on your bike, sonny’ smile and indicated the steps.”

Faith Martin
The Teatime Mystery

“Jenny watched a scarecrow lookalike carry a red and black electric guitar across the lawn and enter the ballroom”

Faith Martin
The Birthday Mystery

“Martha had never trusted skinny cooks.”

Faith Martin
The Birthday Mystery

“Not quite so fast, sir, if you please,’ she said” 

Faith Martin

“She loved this city. She just didn’t like it much.”

Faith Martin
Murder at the University

“She told herself she didn’t need breakfast, and ignoring her rumbling tummy, reached for the coffee jar. She flicked on the radio and spooned some instant into a mug, searching her fridge for milk. Someone further along the towpath was frying bacon. The bastard.”

Faith Martin
Murder in the Mansion

“She’d quite liked being young and stupid. It beat middle-aged and fairly intelligent. Sometimes.”

Faith Martin
Murder at the University

“Since coming to Kidlington, she’d managed to get on to Hillary’s boat, but the search had been disappointing and inconclusive. If her immediate boss knew where her late and unlamented husband had kept his money, it didn’t show. And she certainly hadn’t spent any of it —it was one of the first things Gemma had checked. Her car was ancient, and her home was still a bloody narrowboat of all things.”

Faith Martin
Murder in the Mansion

“That so-called master of hounds was about as much use as a fart in a colander.”

Faith Martin
Murder in the Village

“The outfit served only to make him look like a giant meringue.”

Faith Martin
The Birthday Mystery

“The village road was as narrow as her old granny’s mind.”

Faith Martin
Murder at the University

“There was just no helping some people, she acknowledged to herself sadly. In fact, she thought, with a spurt of resentment, some people could be just downright unreasonable.”

Faith Martin
The Teatime Mystery

“There’s bound to be a job for a good cook somewhere. There aren’t that many of us about, you know,’ she informed them seriously.”

Faith Martin
The Birthday Mystery

“They knew more than he thought they possibly could? Not that he could see how. As far as he was aware, nobody knew how much he had hated Iris Carmody – or why. But if they were to find out … Would he be arrested? And if he was, how could he possibly defend himself?”

Faith Martin
A Fatal Affair

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