A Hunger Artist Quotes | Franz Kafka | Scribble Whatever

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A Hunger Artist
Franz Kafka (Author of A Hunger Artist)

“Back then the hunger artist captured the attention of the entire city.”  (A Hunger Artist Quotes)

Franz Kafka
A Hunger Artist
A Hunger Artist Quotes

Because I couldn’t find a food which I enjoyed. If had found that, believe me, I would not have made a spectacle of myself and would have eaten to my heart’s content, like you and everyone else.” Those were his last words, but in his failing eyes there was the firm, if no longer proud, conviction that he was continuing to fast.” 

Franz Kafka
A Hunger Artist

Experience had proven that for about forty days, through gradually intensified publicity, you could go on stimulating a city’s interest, but beyond that time there was no audience.” 

Franz Kafka
A Hunger Artist

For he alone, and no other initiate, knew how easy it was to starve. It was the easiest thing in the world. He did not keep this fact a secret, but no one believed him.” 

Franz Kafka
A Hunger Artist

“He alone knew something that even initiates didn’t know how easy it was to fast.” 

Franz Kafka
A Hunger Artist
A Hunger Artist Quotes

“He felt there were no limits to his capacity for fasting.” 

Franz Kafka
A Hunger Artist

He was prepared to joke with them, to tell them stories from his journeyman years, and in turn to listen to their stories, anything just so as to keep them awake, to be able to show them again and again that he had nothing edible in the cage, and that he starved in a way that not one of them could.” 

Franz Kafka
A Hunger Artist

If I had found the food I liked, believe me, I should have made no fuss and stuffed myself like you or anyone else.” These were his last words, but in his dimming eyes there remained the firm though no longer proud persuasion that he was still continuing to fast.” 

Franz Kafka
A Hunger Artist

“It was impossible to fight against this lack of understanding.” 

Franz Kafka
A Hunger Artist

No one had any reason to be dissatisfied with what he had seen no one, that is, except for the starvation artist, he alone, always.” 

Franz Kafka
A Hunger Artist

No one, not even the starvation artist himself knew how great his achievement really was, and his heart grew heavy.” 

Franz Kafka
A Hunger Artist

“Nothing was more excruciating to the hunger artist than such watchers. They depressed him.” 

Franz Kafka
A Hunger Artist

“The honour of his art forbade it.” 

Franz Kafka
A Hunger Artist

The prospect of those visiting hours, for which the starvation artist naturally yearned, since they were the meaning of his life, also made him shudder.” 

Franz Kafka
A Hunger Artist
A Hunger Artist Quotes

This perversion of the truth, familiar to the artist though it was, always unnerved him afresh and proved too much for him. What was a consequence of the premature ending of his fast was here presented as the cause of it! To fight against this lack of understanding, against a whole world of nonunderstanding, was impossible.” 

Franz Kafka
A Hunger Artist

“Why did people want to rob him of the fame of fasting longer?” 

Franz Kafka
A Hunger Artist

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A Hunger Artist Quotes

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