American Sketches Quotes | Walter Isaacson | Scribble Whatever

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American Sketches Quotes
American Sketches
Walter Isaacson (Author of American Sketches)

“As much as Henry Kissinger wanted to attribute historical movement to impersonal forces, he too conceded to “the difference personalities make.” (American Sketches Quotes)

Walter Isaacson
American Sketches

“Einstein’s was a beautiful mix of confidence and awe.”          

Walter Isaacson
American Sketches

“Henry Luce to his Time magazine writers: “Tell the history of our time through the people who make it.”

Walter Isaacson
American Sketches

“It’s harder and less glorious, to realize that legitimate values sometimes conflict with one another, and they have to be balanced. This is not a talent that is exalted on talk radio or cable news shows. But the need to calibrate a proper balance among opposing principles is evident in every issue we face today, from abortion to health-care reform to affirmative action.”

Walter Isaacson
American Sketches

“Kissinger would probably be outraged even if he reread his own memoirs, on the grounds that they are not favorable enough.”

Walter Isaacson
American Sketches

“Knowing when to stand firm on principle or when to find common ground with your fellow citizens is the most important, and also the most difficult, activity in a democracy. There’s no simple formula for it. That is why it is so useful to have narratives.”

Walter Isaacson
American Sketches

“There should be an honored place in history for statesmen whose ideas turned out to be right.”

Walter Isaacson
American Sketches

“When highbrow critics accused Time of practicing personality journalism, Luce replied that Time did not invent the genre, the Bible did.”

Walter Isaacson
American Sketches

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