Among the Believers Quotes | V. S. Naipaul | Scribble Whatever

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Among the Believers Quotes
Among the Believers
V. S. Naipaul (Author of Among the Believers)

“A small woman came with a child on her hip. She was pregnant again. And then I saw that she was herself hardly more than a child, twelve or thirteen, but excited at the idea of already being adult enough to experience important needs. Everyone was acting (though the man with the djinn, after his flash of vanity, seemed a little too far away); everyone knew his role. But was it acting when the whole world, or the world you knew, was in the play?” (Among the Believers Quotes)

V. S. Naipaul
Among the Believers

“He asked me about myself and my travels. I told him I had been to Iran. He said, ‘Khomeini is a good man. He is Islamic.’ ‘Why do you say that?’ I had expected him, so orthodox and fierce, to disapprove of Khomeini’s Shia Islam as a deviation. He said, ‘He has banned women from appearing on television.’ It was all that he knew of Iran since the revolution.”

V. S. Naipaul
Among the Believers

“In the days of Muslim glory Islam opened itself to the learning of the world. Now fundamentalism provides an intellectual thermostat, set low. It equalizes, comforts, shelters and preserves.”

V. S. Naipaul
Among the Believers

“No religion is more worldly than Islam. In spite of its political incapacity, no religion keeps men’s eyes more fixed on the way the world is run. And in the poetry of the doctor’s son, in his fumbling response to the universal civilization, his concern with ‘basics’, I thought I could see how Islamic fervour could become creative, revolutionary, and take men on to a humanism beyond religious doctrine: a true renaissance, open to the new and enriched by it, as the Muslims in their early days of glory had been.”

V. S. Naipaul
Among the Believers

“To be a devout Muslim was always to have distinctive things to do; it was to be guided constantly by rules; it was to live in a fever of the faith and always to be aware of the distinctiveness of the faith.”

V. S. Naipaul
Among the Believers

“Wouldn’t it have been better for Muslims to trust less to the saving faith and to sit down hard-headedly to work out institutions? Wasn’t that an essential part of the history of civilization, after all: the conversion of ethical ideals into institutions?”

V. S. Naipaul
Among the Believers

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