Faith Baldwin Quotes

Faith Baldwin Quotes

Faith Baldwin (1893-1978)

Faith Baldwin was an American author of romance and fiction, often concentrating on women characters juggling career and family. (Faith Baldwin Quotes)

“A joy in living, a natural expression of the will to survive all personal disaster, can be constant despite whatever changes take place. Some fortunate people are born with it and others acquire it through learning and growth.”

Faith Baldwin

“Acceptance is a far better word and denotes a more positive attitude than resignation; I’ve always known that, but in recent days I’ve found one which is better still; it is consent.”

Faith Baldwin

“All of us have a hundred faces, attitudes, and facets of personality. I don’t think anyone is all of one piece. We’re more like the patchwork quilts I love, little bits and pieces, bright or dark, sewed together with the sometimes uneven stitches of experience.”

Faith Baldwin

“Autumn burned brightly, a running flame through the mountains, a torch flung to the trees.”

Faith Baldwin

“Character builds slowly, but it can be torn down with incredible swiftness.”

Faith Baldwin

“Each season is a forerunner of the next, and as the earth revolves, we learn to adjust, and consent to, the alterations.”

Faith Baldwin

“From one hour to the next a life may change… But as I have thought and said for years, acceptance is a key to strength and practice makes it easier.”

Faith Baldwin

“I have learned over a period of time to be almost unconsciously grateful–as a child is–for a sunny day, blue water, flowers in a vase, a tree turning red. I have learned to be glad at dawn and when the sky is dark. Only children and a few spiritually evolved people are born to feel gratitude as naturally as they breathe, without even thinking. Most of us come to it step by painful step, to discover that gratitude is a form of acceptance.”

Faith Baldwin

“I’ve known a lot of alleged failures in my time and many of them, in losing what the world has always considered success, have achieved in facing up to failure, more than they ever achieved when they were considered successful.”

Faith Baldwin

“Life is rather like a long train ride; you may encounter a great many people, but looking out from your own small compartment of self you catch only a glimpse of other people’s joy or despair.”

Faith Baldwin

“Most of us forget to take time for wonder, praise and gratitude until it is almost too late. Gratitude is a many-colored quality, reaching in all directions. It goes out for small things and for large; it is a God-ward going.”

Faith Baldwin

“The Creator of all men and all things has provided the challenge of change, the necessity for acceptance, and variations of all patterns. We live by change, by struggle and the unexpected; for only in change, struggle, and the unexpected can we achieve growth.”

Faith Baldwin

“The spirit within each human being is a small fragment of the Divine and Eternal, and if we give it the opportunity to speak, it will do so—but only when we keep our engagement to dismiss everyday difficulties, be quiet, and listen.”

Faith Baldwin

“Time is a dressmaker specializing in alterations”

Faith Baldwin

“We learn from joy but also from grief; we learn from achievement, but just as much from failure; and what we learn from grief and failure is, after a while, to be grateful… All of us, young and old, learn more from obstacles than from the smooth path and from bracing ourselves against sudden harsh winds than from the undisturbed weather.”

Faith Baldwin

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Faith Baldwin Quotes

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