India: A Wounded Civilization Quotes | V. S. Naipaul | Scribble Whatever

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India: A Wounded Civilization Quotes
India: A Wounded Civilization
V. S. Naipaul (Author of India: A Wounded Civilization)

“India is old, and India continues. But all the disciplines and skills that India now seeks to exercise are borrowed. Even the ideas Indians have of the achievements of their civilization are essentially the ideas given them by European scholars in the nineteenth century. India by itself could not have rediscovered or assessed its past. Its past was too much with it, was still being lived out in the ritual, the laws, the magic – the complex instinctive life that muffles response and buries even the idea of inquiry.” (India: A Wounded Civilization Quotes)

V. S. Naipaul
India: A Wounded Civilization

“Narayan’s novels did not prepare me for the distress of India. As a writer he had succeeded almost too well. His comedies were of the sort that requires a restricted social setting with well-defined rules; and he was so direct, his touch so light, that, though he wrote in English of Indian manners, he had succeeded in making those exotic manners quite ordinary. I did not lose my admiration for Narayan; but I felt that his comedy and irony were not quite what they had appeared to be, were part of a Hindu response to the world, a response I could no longer share. Narayan’s novels are less the purely social comedies I had once taken them to be than religious books, at times religious fables, and intensely Hindu.”

V. S. Naipaul
India: A Wounded Civilization

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India: A Wounded Civilization Quotes

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