Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell Quotes | Susanna Clarke | Scribble Whatever

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Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell Quotes
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
Susanna Clarke (Author of Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell)

“And how shall I think of you?’ He considered a moment and then laughed. ‘Think of me with my nose in a book!” (Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell Quotes)

Susanna Clarke
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

“Can a magician kill a man by magic?” Lord Wellington asked Strange. Strange frowned. He seemed to dislike the question. “I suppose a magician might,” he admitted, “but a gentleman never could.”

Susanna Clarke
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

“Drawing teaches habits of close observation that will always be useful.”

Susanna Clarke
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

“He understood for the first time that the world is not dumb at all, but merely waiting for someone to speak to it in a language it understands.”

Susanna Clarke
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

“Houses, like people, are apt to become rather eccentric if left too much on their own; this house was the architectural equivalent of an old gentleman in a worn dressing-gown and torn slippers, who got up and went to bed at odd times of day, and who kept up a continual conversation with friends no one else could see.”

Susanna Clarke
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

“I have a scholar’s love of silence and solitude. To sit and pass hour after hour in idle chatter with a roomful of strangers is to me the worst sort of torment.”

Susanna Clarke
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

“I know magicians and I know magic and I say this: all magicians lie and this one more than most.”

Susanna Clarke
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

“I mean that two of anything is a most uncomfortable number. One may do as he pleases. Six may get along well enough. But two must always struggle for mastery. Two must always watch each other. The eyes of all the world will be on two, uncertain which of them to follow.”

Susanna Clarke
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

“It is curious and we magicians collect curiosities, you know.”

Susanna Clarke
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

“It is the right of a traveller to vent their frustration at every minor inconvenience by writing of it to their friends.” (Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell Quotes)

Susanna Clarke
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

“Most of us are naturally inclined to struggle against the restrictions our friends and family impose upon us, but if we are so unfortunate as to lose a loved one, what a difference then! Then the restriction becomes a sacred trust.”

Susanna Clarke
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

“She wore a gown the color of storms, shadows, and rain and a necklace of broken promises and regrets.”

Susanna Clarke
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

“The very shapes of the trees were like frozen screams.”

Susanna Clarke
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

“There is nothing in the world so easy to explain as failure – it is, after all, what everybody does all the time.”

Susanna Clarke
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

“Time and I have quarrelled. All hours are midnight now. I had a clock and a watch, but I destroyed them both. I could not bear the way they mocked me.”

Susanna Clarke
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

“To a magician there is very little difference between a mirror and a door.”

Susanna Clarke
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

“To be more precise it was the color of heartache.”

Susanna Clarke
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

“What nobility of feeling! To sacrifice your own pleasure to preserve the comfort of others! It is a thing, I confess, that would never occur to me.”

Susanna Clarke
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

“Woods were ringed with a colour so soft, so subtle that it could scarcely be said to be a colour at all. It was more the idea of a colour – as if the trees were dreaming green dreams or thinking green thoughts.”

Susanna Clarke
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

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