Rapture Quotes by Lauren Kate | Scribble Whatever

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Rapture Quotes
Lauren Kate (Author of Rapture)

“And she knew without opening her eyes that it was Daniel. No other body in the universe fit hers so well.” (Rapture Quotes by Lauren Kate)

Lauren Kate
Rapture Quotes

“Do you ever feel like ‘nothing’ has happened to you? Like you know you have a destiny, but all you’ve seen of life so far is unexceptional? I want my life to be different. I want to feel that it’s begun. I’m waiting for ‘that’ kiss.”

Lauren Kate

“Had God created Love to make pain feel even worse?”

Lauren Kate

“Heartbreak is its own form of amnesia.”

Lauren Kate

“I love you too much to say goodbye.”

Lauren Kate

“I just flew in from Heaven, and boy, are my arms tired.”

Lauren Kate

“I want you to know that I would do it all again. I will choose you every time.”

Lauren Kate

“If I were yours and you were mine, I would want you to be exactly as you are. I would never eclipse you with my desires.”

Lauren Kate

“Maybe you were the inspiration, but inspiration is an excuse for doing something you already want to do.” (Rapture Quotes by Lauren Kate)

Lauren Kate

“Mortality is the most romantic story ever told. Just one chance to do everything you should. Then, magically, you move on.”

Lauren Kate

“Orchards of silver trees bore the most delicious fruits that had ever existed. The angels feasted and gave thanks for their first and only home. Their voices joined together in praise of their Creator, forming a blended sound that in humans’ throats would later be known as harmony.”

Lauren Kate

“Strangling is the most intimate way to kill someone,”

Lauren Kate

“The best part was now. That was what she would take with her from her journeys through the ages: He was worth everything to her and she was worth everything to him. The only way to experience that deep level of their love was to enter each new moment together, as if time were made of clouds. And if it came down to it these next nine days, Luce knew that she and Daniel would risk everything for their love.”

Lauren Kate

“The past is important for all the information and wisdom it holds. But you can get lost in it. You’ve got to learn to keep the knowledge of the past with you as you pursue the present.”

Lauren Kate
Rapture Quotes

“Then the angels, the demon, and the Nephilim flew to distant corners of the sky, leaving a moment’s brilliant flash of light behind them, as below, Luce and Daniel fell in love for the first-and the last- time”

Lauren Kate

“There is always some regret when we accept that love has moved away from us”

Lauren Kate

“There is no darkness as dark as a great light corrupted.”

Lauren Kate

“There was Layla in the fullness of her lips, Lulu in the thick waves of her hair, Lu Xin in the intensity of her hazel eyes, Lucia in their twinkle. She was not alone. Maybe she never would be alone again. There, in the mirror, was every incarnation of Lucinda staring back at her and wondering, “What is to become of us? What about our history, and our love?”

Lauren Kate

“This is why angels choose sides, why people join teams. It costs too much not to; it weighs too heavily to soldier on alone.”

Lauren Kate

“Was their love worth the erasure of the world and all its stories?”

Lauren Kate

“We feel encouraged to go further with our instincts, not to change ourselves for love. If I were yours and you were mine, I would want you to be exactly as you are. I would never eclipse you with my desires.” (Rapture Quotes by Lauren Kate)

Lauren Kate

“We put our faith in love.”

Lauren Kate

“You are the soul that fits into mine”

Lauren Kate

“You must remember how to dream what you already know.”

Lauren Kate

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Rapture Quotes

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