Revival Quotes | Stephen King | Scribble Whatever

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Stephen King (Author of Revival)

“And what do we get for our faith? For the centuries we’ve given this church or that one our gifts of blood and treasure? The assurance that heaven is waiting for us at the end of it all, and when we get there, the punch line will be explained and we’ll say, ‘Oh yeah! Now I get it.’ That’s the big payoff. It’s dinned into our ears from our earliest days: heaven, heaven, heaven! We will see our lost children, our dear mothers will take us in their arms! That’s the carrot.”(Revival Quotes)

Stephen King

“Books are good, and I read my share, and TV’s okay if you’re stuck in a motel room during a rainstorm, but for Jamie Morton, there was nothing like a movie up there on the big screen.”

Stephen King
Revival Quotes

“But music lasts, even pop music. Especially pop music. Sneer at ‘Raindrops Keep Fallin’ on My Head’ if you want to, but people will still be listening to that silly piece of shit fifty years from now.”

Stephen King

“But writing is a wonderful and terrible thing. It opens deep wells of memory that were previously capped.”

Stephen King

“Children learn much more by mute example than by spoken rules, or so it seems to me.”

Stephen King

“Everyone needs a hobby,” he said. “And everyone needs a miracle or two, just to prove life is more than just one long trudge from the cradle to the grave.”

Stephen King

“Frightened people live in their own special hell. You could say they make it themselves, but they can’t help it. It’s the way they’re built. They deserve sympathy and compassion.”

Stephen King

“Home is where they want you to stay longer.”

Stephen King

“If our faith is strong, we’ll go to heaven, and we’ll understand the whole thing when we get there. As if life were a joke, and heaven the place where the cosmic punchline is finally explained to us.”

Stephen King

“In a week, you’ll take it for granted,” he said dismissively. “That’s the way it works with miracles.”

Stephen King

“It’s really just paint. I muse on that, sometimes, Jamie. When I can’t sleep. How a little paint can make shallow water seem deep.”

Stephen King

“Life is a wheel, and it always comes back around to where it started.”

Stephen King

“Music matters,” he told me once. “Pop fiction goes away, TV shows go away, and I defy you to tell me what you saw at the movies two years ago. But music lasts, even pop music. Especially pop music. Sneer at ‘Raindrops Keep Fallin’ on My Head’ if you want to, but people will still be listening to that silly piece of shit fifty”

Stephen King

“On the way home I remembered a bit of old folklore about how to boil a frog. You put it in cold water, then start turning up the heat. If you do it gradually, the frog is too stupid to jump out. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but I decided it was an excellent metaphor for growing old.”

Stephen King

“One of the few things I’ve learned since then about the fundamental differences between the sexes is this: men make assumptions, but women rarely do.”

Stephen King

“People have many ways to be lousy to one another, as you’ll find out when you’re older, but I think that all bad behavior stems from plain old selfishness.”

Stephen King

“People say that where there’s life, there’s hope, and I have no quarrel with that, but I also believe the reverse. There is hope, therefore I live.”

Stephen King

 “Religion is the theological equivalent of a quick-buck insurance scam, where you pay in your premium year after year, and then, when you need the benefits you paid for so – pardon the pun – so religiously, you discover the company that took your money does not, in fact, exist.”

Stephen King

“Saint Paul was all too right about that dark glass. We look through it all our days and see nothing but our own reflections.”

Stephen King

“Selective memory is one of the chief sins of the old, and I don’t have time for it.”

Stephen King

“She was just a year old, but she had wanted me to stay longer. That’s how you know you’re home, I think, no matter how far you’ve gone from it or how long you’ve been in some other place. Home is where they want you to stay longer.”

Stephen King

“Sometimes death is natural, a mercy that puts an end to suffering. But all too often it comes as an assassin, full of senseless cruelty and lacking any vestige of compassion.”

Stephen King

“Sometimes I look up in spite of myself and see that the hospital wall, painted in soothing pastel yellow, has been replaced with gray stones held together by ancient mortar and covered with ivy. The ivy is dead, and the branches look like skeletal hands. The small door in the wall is hidden, Astrid was right about that, but it’s there. The voice comes from behind it, drifting through an ancient rusty keyhole.”

Stephen King

“Talent is a spooky thing, and has a way of announcing itself quietly but firmly when the right time comes. Like certain addictive drugs, it comes as a friend long before you realize it’s a tyrant.”

Stephen King

“That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons, even death may die. —H. P. Lovecraft”

Stephen King

“That morning he had awakened next to his wife, and had eaten breakfast across from his son. They talked about stuff, like people do. We never know. Any day could be the day we go down, and we never know.”

Stephen King

“That’s how you know you’re home, I think, no matter how far you’ve gone from it or how long you’ve been in some other place. Home is where they want you to stay longer.”

Stephen King

“The audience burst into applause and hallelujahs. I kept trying to make sense of it, and kept coming up short. Here were people who routinely used their computers to stay in touch with their friends and get the news of the day, people who took weather satellites and lung transplants for granted, people who expected to live lives thirty and forty years longer than those of their great-grandparents. Here they were, falling for a story that made Santa and the Tooth Fairy look like gritty realism.”

Stephen King

“The brain doesn’t age, although its ideas about the world may harden and there’s a greater tendency to run off at the mouth about how things were in the good old days.”

Stephen King

“The three true ages of man are youth, middle age, and how the fuck did I get old so soon?”

Stephen King

“The world is hard and you can’t have everything.”

Stephen King

“The world’s most brilliant confabulators are in asylums.”

Stephen King

“There were games and activities as well as sermons, because, as he pointed out regularly, most of Jesus’s preaching happened outside, and that meant there was more to Christianity than church.”

Stephen King

“There’s a door in the wall. The door is covered with ivy. The ivy is dead. She waits.”

Stephen King

“There’s no tonic like an old friend.”

Stephen King

“This is how we bring about our own damnation, you know-by ignoring the voice that begs us to stop. To stop while there’s still time.”

Stephen King

 “We never know. Any day could be the day we go down, and we never know.”

Stephen King

“When you want to feel better, call something a piece of shit. It usually works.”

Stephen King

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