The Anthropocene Reviewed Quotes | John Green | Scribble Whatever

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The Anthropocene Reviewed Quotes
The Anthropocene Reviewed
John Green
John Green (Author of The Anthropocene Reviewed)

“All of life is dependent upon other life, and the closer we consider what constitutes living, the harder life becomes to define.” (The Anthropocene Reviewed Quotes)

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed
The Anthropocene Reviewed Quotes

“But knowing something abstractly is different than knowing it experientially.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“Despair isn’t very productive. That’s the problem with it. Like a replicating virus, all despair can make is more of itself.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“Even the most extraordinary genius can accomplish very little alone.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“For humans, there is ultimately no way out of the obligations and limitations of nature. We are nature. And so, like history, the climate is both something that happens to us and something we make.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

 “For many species of large animals in the twenty-first century, the single most important determinant of survival is whether their existence is useful to humans. But if you can’t be of utility to people, the second best thing you can be is cute. You need an expressive face, ideally some large eyes. Your babies need to remind us of our babies. Something about you must make us feel guilty for eliminating you from the planet.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“For me anyway, to fall in love with the world is to look up at the night sky and feel your mind swim before the beauty and the distance of the stars. It is to hold your children while they cry, to watch as the sycamore trees leaf out in June.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“For me, finding hope is not some philosophical exercise or sentimental notion; it is a prerequisite for my survival.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“History presses into us, shaping contemporary experience. History changes as we look back on the past from different presents. And history is electric current, too—charged and flowing. It takes power from some sources and delivers it to others.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“History, like human life, is at once incredibly fast and agonizingly slow.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“Humans are not the protagonists of this planet’s story. If there is a main character, it is life itself, which makes of earth and starlight something more than earth and starlight. But in the age of the Anthropocene, humans tend to believe, despite all available evidence, that the world is here for our benefit.” (The Anthropocene Reviewed Quotes)

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“I am glad to be unalone in cramped circles of restless yearning.” 

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“I feel like I am a human being planting carrot seeds into Earth, but really, as my brother would tell me, I am Earth planting Earth into Earth.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“I find hopelessness to be a kind of pain. One of the worst kinds. For me, finding hope is not some philosophical exercise or sentimental notion; it is a prerequisite for my survival.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“I have some way-down vibrating part of my subconscious that needs to self-destruct, at least a little bit.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“I know the world will survive us – and in some ways it will be more alive.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“I still can’t find language to describe how breathtakingly beautiful sunsets are—not breathtakingly, actually, but breath-givingly beautiful. All I can say is that sometimes when the world is between day and night, I’m stopped cold by its splendor, and I feel my absurd smallness.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“I suppose I missed writing, but in a way you miss someone you used to love.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“I think a lot of the pleasure in sports is found in performing well.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“I’ll never again speak to many of the people who loved me into this moment, just as you will never speak to many of the people who loved you into your now. So we raise a glass to them–and hope that perhaps somewhere, they are raising a glass to us.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“In just 250,000 years, our behavior has led to the extinction of many species, and driven many more into steep decline. This is lamentable, and it is also increasingly needless. We probably didn’t know what we were doing thousands of years ago as we hunted some large mammals to extinction. But we know what we’re doing now. We know how to tread more lightly upon the earth. We could choose to use less energy, eat less meat, clear fewer forests. And we choose not to. As a result, for many forms of life, humanity is the apocalypse.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“In the Anthropocene there are no disinterested observers; there are only participants”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“In this world, you must be oh so smart, or oh so pleasant.’ Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“It is May of 2020, and I do not have a brain well suited for this.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“It is our attentiveness that is in short supply, our ability and willingness to do the work that awe requires.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“It occurs to me that technology often brags about solving problems it created.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“It’s no coincidence that the scientific revolution in Britain coincided with the rise of British participation in the Atlantic slave trade and the growing wealth being extracted from colonies and enslaved labor.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“It’s no wonder we worry about the end of the world. Worlds end all the time.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

 “Life is never simple paths- only dizzying labyrinths folding in on themselves”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“Marveling at the perfection of that leaf, I was reminded that aesthetic beauty is as much about how and whether you look as what you see. From the quark to the supernova, the wonders do not cease. It is our attentiveness that is in short supply, our ability and willingness to do the work that awe requires.” (The Anthropocene Reviewed Quotes)

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“Memory is not so much a camera as a filter. The particulates it holds on to are nothing compared to what leaks through.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“Never predict the end of the world. You’re almost certain to be wrong, and if you’re right, no one will be around to congratulate you.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

 “One of the strange things about adulthood is that you are your current self, but you are also all the selves you used to be, the ones you grew out of but can’t ever quite get rid of.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“Our obsessive desire to make and have and do and say and go and get—six of the seven most common verbs in English—may ultimately steal away our ability to be, the most common verb in English.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“Scientists estimate that phages cause a trillion trillion infections per second, destroying half the world’s bacteria every forty-eight hours.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“The challenge and responsibility of personhood, it seems to me, is to recognize personhood in others—to listen to others’ pain and take it seriously, even when you yourself cannot feel it.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“The mighty pulse of the throbbing today does make new things out of old—but it also makes old things out of new.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed
The Anthropocene Reviewed Quotes

“The only way out is through.” And the only good way through is together.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“There are times in your life when you do things precisely as you have practice and prepared for them. And then there are times when you listen to Jamie Carragher.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“There is no holding history fast. It is always receding and dissolving, not just into the unknowable past but also into the unfixable future.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“There is some comfort for me in knowing that life will go on even when we don’t. But I would argue that when our light goes out, it will be Earth’s greatest tragedy, because while I know humans are prone to grandiosity, I also think we are by far the most interesting thing that ever happened on Earth.” (The Anthropocene Reviewed Quotes)

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“There was so much news. News that was forever breaking, that there was never time for context.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

 “There’s a certain way I talk about the things I don’t talk about. Maybe that’s true for all of us. We have ways of closing off the conversation so that we don’t ever get directly asked what we can’t bear to answer.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“To accept the demonization of the marginalized as inevitable is to give up on the whole human enterprise.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“Tradition is a way of being with people, not just the people you’re observing the traditions with now, but also all those who’ve ever observed them.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“Two of the Anthropocene’s major institutions are the nation-state and the limited liability corporation, both of which are real and powerful—and on some level made-up.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“We all know how loving ends. But I want to fall in love with the world anyway, to let it crack me open. I want to feel what there is to feel while I am here.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

 “We are at once far too powerful and not nearly powerful enough. We are powerful enough to radically reshape Earth’s climate and biodiversity, but not powerful enough to choose how we reshape them. We are so powerful that we have escaped our planet’s atmosphere. But we are not powerful enough to save those we love from suffering.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“We are so powerful that we have escaped our planet’s atmosphere. But we are not powerful enough to save those we love from suffering.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed
The Anthropocene Reviewed Quotes

“We can talk and talk and talk about what the pain is like, but we can never manage to convey what it is.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“We should get out of the habit of saying that anything is once-in-a-lifetime. We should stop pretending we have any idea how long a lifetime is, or what might happen in one.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“What an astonishment to breathe on this breathing planet. What a blessing to be Earth loving Earth.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“What’s most interesting to me about humanity is not what our individual members do, but the kinds of systems we build and maintain together. The light bulb is cool and everything, but what’s really cool is the electrical grid used to power it.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“When I was a kid, I thought being a parent meant knowing what to say and how to say it. But I have no idea what to say or how to say it. All I can do is shut up and listen. Otherwise, you miss all the good stuff.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“When you have the microphone, what you say matters, even when you’re just kidding.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

“You can’t see the future coming—not the terrors, for sure, but you also can’t see the wonders that are coming, the moments of light-soaked joy that await each of us.”

John Green
The Anthropocene Reviewed

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