The Hand on the Wall Quotes | Maureen Johnson | Scribble Whatever

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The Hand on the Wall Quotes
The Hand on the Wall
Maureen Johnson (Author of The Hand on the Wall)

“Anxiety does not ask your permission. Anxiety does not come when expected. It’s very rude. It barges in at the strangest moments, stopping all activity, focusing everything on itself It sucks the air our of your lungs and scrambles the world.” (The Hand on the Wall Quotes)

Maureen Johnson
The Hand on the Wall

“Anxiety, her therapist had told her many times, never killed anyone. It felt like death, but it was an illusion. A terrible illusion that inhabited your body and tried to make it its puppet. It told you nothing mattered because everything was made of fear.”

Maureen Johnson
The Hand on the Wall

“Are you trying to make me have an emotion?…Because I’ve spent by whole life learning how to repress and deflect and you’re kind of ruining my thing”

Maureen Johnson
The Hand on the Wall

“I am out of ideas and need to conserve my energy so I can freak out more efficiently.”

Maureen Johnson
The Hand on the Wall

“My moose,” she said in a low voice. “I finally got it. The universe paid me in moose.”

Maureen Johnson
The Hand on the Wall

“Once skin touched tile and part of her soul died, she knew what slippers were for.”

Maureen Johnson
The Hand on the Wall

“Slippers always seemed like kind of a nonsense item until she came to Ellingham and felt the bathroom floor on the first proper day of wintry weather. Once skin touched tile and part of her soul died, she knew what slippers were for.”

Maureen Johnson
The Hand on the Wall

“Stevie’s other big interest outside crime was disaster, so she had seen Titanic many times. It was clear to her that there was plenty of room on that door for two people. Jack was murdered.”

Maureen Johnson
The Hand on the Wall

“The wonderful thing about reality is that it is highly flexible. One minute, all is doom; the next, everything is abloom with possibility.”

Maureen Johnson
The Hand on the Wall

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