The House in the Cerulean Sea Quotes | TJ Klune | Scribble Whatever

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The House in the Cerulean Sea Quotes
The House in the Cerulean Sea
TJ Klune (Author of The House in the Cerulean Sea)

“A home isn’t always the house we live in. It’s also the people we choose to surround ourselves with. You may not live on the island, but you can’t tell me it’s not your home. Your bubble, Mr. Baker. It’s been popped. Why would you allow it to grow around you again?” (The House in the Cerulean Sea Quotes)

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea
The House in the Cerulean Sea Quotes

“A home isn’t always the house we live in. It’s also the people we choose to surround ourselves with.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“All children, no matter their … disposition or what they’re capable of, must be protected regardless of the cost.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“As long as you listen, you can hear all manner of things you never thought were there to begin with.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

 “Because even the bravest of us can still be afraid sometimes, so long as we don’t let our fear become all we know.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“Bravery is a virtue. In the face of adversity, it separates the strong from the weak.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“But even if you have bad dreams, you must remember that they’re only that. Dreams. You will always wake from them. And they will fade, eventually. I’ve found that waking from a bad dream brings a sense of relief unlike anything else in the world. It means what you were seeing wasn’t real.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“Change often starts with the smallest of whispers. Like-minded people building it up to a roar.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

 “Dreams are merely that—dreams. They’re meant to be flights of fancy. They’re not necessarily supposed to come true.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“Even the bravest of us can still be afraid sometimes, so long as we don’t let our fear become all we know.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“Every garden is different, I think. They reflect the personalities of those who care for them.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“Everything has to start somewhere. And as long as we nurture them, they can grow beyond anything we thought possible.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea
The House in the Cerulean Sea Quotes

“Funny how that works out, isn’t it? That we can find the most unexpected things when we aren’t even looking for them.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“Hate is loud, but I think you’ll learn it’s because it’s only a few people shouting, desperate to be heard. You might not ever be able to change their minds, but so long as your remember you’re not alone, you will overcome.” (The House in the Cerulean Sea Quotes)

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“He couldn’t believe it was only Wednesday. And it was made worse when he realized it was actually Tuesday.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“Honestly. For all their bluster, I’ve noticed that men melt so very easily. Little snowflakes, they are.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“Humanity is so weird. If we’re not laughing, we’re crying or running for our lives because monsters are trying to eat us. And they don’t even have to be real monsters. They could be the ones we make up in our heads. Don’t you think that’s weird?”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“I don’t say things I don’t mean. Life is too short for it.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“I refuse to believe that a person’s path is set in stone. A person is more than where they come from.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“I’m just me. I don’t know how to be anyone but who I already am. This is how I’ve always been. It’s not much, but I do the best I can with what I have.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“Idealism had no place in government work.” 

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“It’s never polite to revel in the suffering of others. What a terrible thing to do.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“It’s not about need. That’s not what gift giving is for. It’s about the joy that someone is thinking of you.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“It’s not fair. No. It’s not. Life rarely is. But we deal with it the best we can. And we allow ourselves to hope for the best. Because a life without hope isn’t a life lived at all.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“It’s—unfortunate. We get trapped in our own little bubbles, and even though the world is a wide and mysterious place, our bubbles keep us safe from that. To our detriment.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“It’s the little things, I expect. Little treasures we find without knowing their origin. And they come when we least expect them. It’s beautiful, when you think about it.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“Just because you don’t experience prejudice in your everyday doesn’t stop it from existing for the rest of us.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“Life, came down to what we made from it. It was about the choices, both big and small.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“Men are stupid creatures. They are. I don’t know why. Stubborn, obstinate, and stupid. It would be endearing if it wasn’t so frustrating.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“Once one started lying, it became easier to do it again and again until one had to keep track of hundreds of lies. It was easier to be honest.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“Order only works if there is complete transparency. If we can’t have that, then we run the risk of chaos.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“People can present themselves as being one way, and once you’re sure you know them, once you’re sure you’ve found what you’re looking for, they reveal themselves for who they really are.” (The House in the Cerulean Sea Quotes)

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“People will say and do anything they can in order to appease those in power. It’s a weapon, and one that is wielded quite deftly. Those who aren’t immune to such things might find themselves thinking in ways they shouldn’t.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“Rumors tend to run rampant, and trying to get in front of them is like trying to beat back a wall of fire upon a dry field of grass.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“Some people, no matter how good their heart was or how much love they had to give, would always be alone. It was their lot in life,”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

 “Sometimes volume is needed to get through thick skulls.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“Sometimes, our prejudices color our thoughts when we least expect them to. If we can recognize that, and learn from it, we can become better people.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea
The House in the Cerulean Sea Quotes

“Sometimes, we can’t always control the … gifts we’re given. And it’s not necessarily the fault of those with said gifts.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“That was the funny thing about wishes. Sometimes all it took to make them come true was a first step.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“The minds of children are wondrous things. Some of the things they come up with seem to defy the imagination.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“The things we fear the most are often the things we should fear the least. It’s irrational, but it’s what makes us human. And if we’re able to conquer those fears, then there is nothing we’re not capable of.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“The things we fear the most are often the things we should fear the least. It’s irrational, but it’s what makes us human. And if we’re able to conquer those fears, then there is nothing we’re not capable of.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“The world is a weird and wonderful place, but that doesn’t mean it’s not without its teeth. And it will bite you when you least expect it.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“The world likes to see things in black and white, in moral and immoral. But there is gray in between. And just because a person is capable of wickedness, doesen’t mean they will act upon it.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“The world likes to see things in black and white, in moral and immoral. But there is gray in between.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“There are moments in your life, moments when chances have to be taken.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“There are mysteries that may never be solved, no matter how hard we try. And if we spend too long trying to solve them, we may miss what’s right in front of us.” (The House in the Cerulean Sea Quotes)

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“There’s a surface to you that’s hard but cracked. Dig a little deeper, and there is all this life teeming wildly. It’s a conundrum.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“There’s music everywhere. You just have to learn to listen for it.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea
The House in the Cerulean Sea Quotes

“Today he wore blue socks with clouds on them. Linus refused to be charmed. He mostly succeeded.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“Waking from a bad dream brings a sense of relief unlike anything else in the world.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“We should always make time for the things we like. If we don’t, we might forget how to be happy.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“We should always make time for the things we like. If we don’t, we might forget how to be happy.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“When something is broken, you can put it back together. It may not fit quite the same, or work like it did once before, but that doesn’t mean it’s no longer useful.”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“Why can’t life work whatever way we want it to? What’s the point of living if you only do it how others want you to?”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“Why can’t life work whatever way we want it to? What’s the point of living if you only do it how others want you to?”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“Why is it that I must always worry about tomorrows?”

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

“Your voice is a weapon. Never forget that.” 

TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea

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The House in the Cerulean Sea Quotes

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