The Innocent Quotes | Harlan Coben | Scribble Whatever

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The Innocent Quotes
The Innocent
Harlan Coben (Author of The Innocent)

“Boy is getting all Ds and Fs in math so his parents send him to Catholic school. On his first report card, his parents are shocked to see their son getting straight As. When his parents ask him why, he says, “Well, when I went into the chapel and saw that guy nailed to a plus sign, I knew they were serious.” (The Innocent Quotes)

Harlan Coben
The Innocent

“He had learned a valuable lesson about physical confrontations: You can predict nothing. Sure, whoever lands the first blow usually wins. The bigger man was usually victorious too. But once it got going, once the red tornado took hold of the combatants, anything could happen. The”

Harlan Coben
The Innocent

“In prison, some of the guards used to carry stun guns. They worked, Matt had learned, by overloading and thus disrupting the internal communication system. The current mimics the body’s own natural electrical impulses, confusing them, telling the muscles to do a great deal of work, depleting energy.”

Harlan Coben
The Innocent

“Survival is the thing. The mind will twist to survive. Anything can become normal.”

Harlan Coben
The Innocent

“The boys ran and played with such wonderful abandonment. Adults could never play like that.”

Harlan Coben
The Innocent

“The brothers frowned and strolled toward him. One cracked his neck as he strutted. The other opened and closed fists. Matt felt his blood hum.”

Harlan Coben
The Innocent

“The grease from the awful lunch buffet took to the air, becoming more a skin coating than a smell.”

Harlan Coben
The Innocent

“The line at the ticket sales counter was long. That was good, if the timing worked. He wanted the staff to be busy. When it was his turn, the woman behind the desk gave him that distracted smile.”

Harlan Coben
The Innocent

“Tragedy sort of works this way: Once it snakes its way in, it cuts down all your defenses and allows its brethren easy access to feed.”

Harlan Coben
The Innocent

“When you have a child, you are never number one again. Someone is more important than you. It changes your worldview. It has to.”

Harlan Coben
The Innocent

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The Innocent Quotes

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