Must Read Fiction Books

10 Must Read Fiction Books | Our Recommendation | SW

We have brought some such book for you which will definitely blow your mind. You must have heard about these books. In case you haven’t heard yourself, we bring you 10 great books that have helped change the lives of many. We hope that you will benefit from reading these. (Must Read Fiction Books)

Fill your bucketlist with these books

Let’s know a little about these books. Let’s turn on, again.

10. The book thief by Markus Zusak

Book Thief is one of the most beautiful writings in the fiction genre to date. We are sure, this book has the ability to snatch the title from the book that you currently consider to be your favorite book.

9. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

This book can be considered as a masterpiece of literature. an extraordinary read to understand human’s highest and lowest values and standards, and their impact on humanity’s well being. It’s portrayal of protagonists has given something between trust and love upon self and a standard to live.

8. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is a fiction book by Robin Sharma. “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” is one of the best motivational books you’ll ever come across. The book is written as a conversation between two friends. The story is about Julian Mantle, a successful lawyer, but full of stress and work pressures, who in the end decides to give up his luxuries and baggage of the past and go to the Himalayan Mountains in search of peace. Julian’s journey is described in 7 practical lessons. There is a summary at the end of each chapter that has action points, making it easy to remember.

7. The Vegetarian by Han Kang

It is a story of how a young woman rebels against the traditional society of conformity. A recommended book for everyone trying to delve into the many forms of mental illness.

Greatest books of all time

6. Life of Pi by Yann Martel

Pi’s life by Yann Martel presents a captivating and original story of existence, survival and identity. On the surface it is a novel about a boy who was moving to Canada with his parents after he decided to sell his zoo in India.
Once you are immersed in the intense struggle of existence and the enchanted imagination you used to describe the inevitable life lessons you begin to learn. It sounds like you are with Pie and learning from her with trauma.

5. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Pride and prejudice is that revolutionary novel that has no doubt been an inspiration for many womens out there who are still denied the option of choice. This novel has changed the mindset of many people , giving them a better way to not just treat but respect their wives, sisters and mother. (Must Read Fiction Books)

Greatest books of all time

4. The Godfather by Mario Puzo

The Godfather is a crime novel by American author Mario Puzo. It is a masterpiece of Mario Puzo. This novel is pure mind blowing. It is about crime and the mafia. To those who ask what a true crime saga looks like, this is your answer.

3. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

The first book by the Khalid Hosaini, The Kite Runner, needs no introduction as it is one of the most notable books of the modern era. The story deals with the universal theme of friendship, loyalty, defeat of innocence, betrayal, guilt, trauma, atonement and redemption.

Greatest books of all time

2.  1984 by George Orwell

1984 A novel, often published as 1984, is a novel by the English novelist George Orwell. It was Orwell’s ninth and final book in his lifetime. 1984 is based on the use, consequences, authoritarianism of the central government, collective surveillance and the consequences of oppressive regiments of all individuals and behaviors within society. More broadly, it examines the role of truth and facts within politics and their manipulation.

1. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

The theme of the whole book was that listen to the voice of your heart. This book is one of our fav. self-help book. The words have been described and selected so closely and correctly that are well appreciated. Some of the verses of the story were going to make the story stand out. Once you start reading this book, we don’t think you will be able to stop yourself from reading it. Writing is also very unprecedented, you will be drowned.

This is some book is popular and best in its genre.

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Must Read Fiction Books

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