Audiobooks If You Don't like Reading

20 Best Audiobooks If You Don’t like Reading | Non-Fiction | SW

We bring you some of the best audiobooks if you don’t like reading. You must have heard about these books. In case you haven’t heard yourself, we bring you 20 great books that have helped change the lives of many. We hope that you will benefit from reading these. (Audiobooks If You Don’t like Reading)

Fill your bucketlist with these books

Let’s know a little about these books. Let’s turn on, again.

Rework by David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried

The best business book to snack one page at a time or dine in one sitting. This book is full of learning, especially for those who do not see themselves in the stereotypes of jobs, and are exposed to new risks.

Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins

This book is a must-have for those who want to start their lives all over again and feel like they can’t. The novel is not just an autobiography, its flame that lights you up, the writing is so strong and powerful that it reaches inside your core. This book really makes you realize that you are the creator of the kind of life you end up with and it is up to you to do better than ever. (Audiobooks If You Don’t like Reading)

Audiobooks If You Don't like Reading

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

This book is based on what a rich father teaches his son. And what the Poor Father teach his son. We always think that you need money to be rich and the only remedy was to get involved in the rat race, but Robert’s rich dad showed that even a normal man can only make it when he has it. Have a vision for. Rich people continue to increase their wealth first. Return from the income that they re-put into assets. How does this money work for them. And it is that they become even more wealthy and happy.

Start With Why by Simon Sinek

Excellent book with great insight and wisdom from Simon. It will help you to clearly see what you really want and how to actually get there. Gives a better grasp on the work you do with more conscious decision making and passion with a approach to knowing the basics of how to start with asking why before anything.

Audiobooks If You Don't like Reading

Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss

This book not only tells you how to be successful from the financial side but it also tells you how to be rich in knowledge and health. You can see some personalized recommendations by top tier individuals in this area. The book is the result of the Tim Ferriss Show podcast in which he interviews highly-successful figures. The content is divided into three sections: Health, Wealth and Happiness, following the famous quote from Benjamin Franklin:
Early to bed, early to rise, keeps a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel

This book has some practical advice on how to manage and invest your money.
But remember, it’s all about adjusting your mindset and adopting a different kind of thinking that will help you lead a happy and fulfilling life.
This book teaches us how to control ourselves when we are millionaires. (Audiobooks If You Don’t like Reading)

Audiobooks If You Don't like Reading

Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda

A great book on Yoga Kriya (Yoga within the body), Discovery of God Realization through Scientific Technique- ‘Kriya Yoga’, which was taught by Lord Krishna to Arjuna during the Mahabharata several thousand years ago. And now, transmitting this action technique. A must read by all those who are brave enough to challenge their views and ideologies. The understanding and implementation of the knowledge in this book will change your entire outlook and life. Have faith in God and keep doing good deeds.

Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty

This book helps you to understand self, fear, ego, mind etc. It helps you find purpose in life and understand what true gratitude is. This book will help you improve your life, relationships, and service to others. It combines some ancient wisdom with Jay’s personal experiences and added it with a dash of neuroscience to explain how we can all change our thought habits and it also gives practical advice and tools. Which you can use to implement in your own life.

Audiobooks If You Don't like Reading

12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson

Stunning in both depth and simplicity, Dr. Peterson takes complex psychological ideas and turns them into simple and practical tools that can be applied by the layman in everyday life. Starting each chapter with an easy-to-remember saying, such as: “Make friends with the people who want the best for you”, Dr. Peterson then takes on his years of experience as a professional psychologist and college professor, in history, science mythology, case studies. and individual insights to build a solid background for each of the twelve principles he covers before concluding each chapter with a concise and easily-usable version of each big idea.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

If you are the one who does not want to read many self-help books and if you are searching for a book that can inspire you, inspire you to do better, and a book that is about you Can solve many doubts, then you should definitely read this book. It is like a masterpiece. (Audiobooks If You Don’t like Reading)

Audiobooks If You Don't like Reading

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

The theme of the whole book was that listen to the voice of your heart. This book is one of our fav. self-help book. The words have been described and selected so closely and correctly that are well appreciated. Some of the verses of the story were going to make the story stand out. Once you start reading this book, we don’t think you will be able to stop yourself from reading it. Writing is also very unprecedented, you will be drowned.

Life’s Amazing Secrets by Gaur Gopal Das

The book focuses as a whole on strengthening relationships, discovering your true potential, and understanding different areas and your roles in life. A journey of introspection and becoming oneself alive and struggling from gluttonous and dull personality is expressed in this book, which will suggest to all the young and old who are looking for a peaceful and better life.

Audiobooks If You Don't like Reading

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is a self-help book by Robin Sharma. “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” is one of the best motivational books you’ll ever come across. The book is written as a conversation between two friends. The story is about Julian Mantle, a successful lawyer, but full of stress and work pressures, who in the end decides to give up his luxuries and baggage of the past and go to the Himalayan Mountains in search of peace. Julian’s journey is described in 7 practical lessons. There is a summary at the end of each chapter that has action points, making it easy to remember.

How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie

This book gives very useful suggestions on how to deal with people. It is written like a conversation, with related examples, and seems very easy to read. The goal of this book is to teach you how to understand other people’s brain works, get them to like you, and make them do what you want, and it is very effective in accomplishing that goal. (Audiobooks If You Don’t like Reading)

Audiobooks If You Don't like Reading

Wings of Fire by Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam and Arun Tiwari

There is so much knowledge and good things that everyone can extract from this book. How to face life, resolve conflicts, to put the country first, personal need always later. Keep a clean heart, focus on a strong faith in the Almighty and they have all achieved success. Detailed description of how great things can be achieved through simple ideas.

Hyperfocus by Chris Bailey

Chris has really nailed the concept of “hyper focus”, which is really important in this modern age where we have become so focused by our mobile phones, work environment and just waist valuable time. It will teach you great strategies to better focus on your tasks as well as is packed with many gems to help you create a better focused life; Implementing strategies such as meditation, mindfulness and how you use your technology.

Audiobooks If You Don't like Reading

The Almanack of Naval Ravikant by Eric Jorgenson

It is essential for everyone on the planet living the life of a human being. this is true. The knowledge shared in this is truly magical and has the power to completely change the perspective. It’s a surprising, rich collection of actionable wisdom compiled from Naval’s podcast interviews, Twitter feed, and other writings. Writer Eric Jorgensen has done an amazing job pulling this material together: the end result is a handbook for life that you’ll be able to turn to for guidance again and again. There is no better guide to health, wealth and happiness.

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

If you want to know what is the importance of getting up early in the morning to live life, then you must read this book. Are there such rules or habits that if you do it in the morning your life will change. These morning miracles are well described in this book. (Audiobooks If You Don’t like Reading)

Audiobooks If You Don't like Reading

Audiobooks If You Don't like Reading

Make Time by Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky

A great book to take time out. Though there are many books on time management and productivity, this one stands out for its highly practical ideas and easy to read language. Whether you are reading your first book on time management or have read other books on the subject, you will find it useful.

A Promised Land by Barack Obama

The book is beautifully written, showcasing Obama’s incredible intelligence and prudence. It begins with his earlier career as a senator and how his childhood conveyed his beliefs and values. It gives them insight into decisions about the recession they inherited, how Republicans tried to thwart everything they did. Fascinating insights into foreign affairs, war decisions and White House staff. It is very well written and holds your interest entirely.

Audiobooks If You Don't like Reading

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