7 Books That Will Make You Smarter | Our Recommendation | SW

We have brought some such book for you which will definitely make you smarter. You must have heard about these books. In case you haven’t heard yourself, we bring you 7 great books that have helped change the lives of many. We hope that you will benefit from reading these. (Books That Will Make You Smarter)

Fill your bucketlist with these books

Let’s know a little about these books. Let’s turn on, again.

Books That Will Make You Smarter

7. Factfulness by Hans Rosling

This book is a must read for those who want to know about the journey of human progress so far. This book is kind of an eye opener for many as it will turn their worldview upside down. For the better, of course. The essence of the book is the positive progress made by humanity in the last 200 years. The author establishes with facts and figures and with the help of several charts how we have come a long and better way in poverty alleviation, education, health and many other social indicators.

6. Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker

An excellent, informative, educational and entertaining at the same time negative effect on cognitive functions due to insufficient sleep or poor sleep quality. You must have heard that ‘all you need is love’. But after reading this book you will feel that ‘all you need is a good sleep’.

Books That Will Make You Smarter

5. The Social Animal by David Brooks

It is an interesting and controversial book that supports the basic claim that when you have a good family background where opportunity, free thought, conversation and happiness are all around you, you are more likely to be successful and People in the ghettos have such a hard time thinking outside the bounds of their upbringing.

It will teach you a lot about how similar a modern, evolved human is to a chimpanzee still found in the wild. How the animal part of our brain is still running the show after a million years of evolution. How we have all control of our instincts and reactions.

4. 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson

Stunning in both depth and simplicity, Dr. Peterson takes complex psychological ideas and turns them into simple and practical tools that can be applied by the layman in everyday life. Starting each chapter with an easy-to-remember saying, such as: “Make friends with the people who want the best for you”, Dr. Peterson then takes on his years of experience as a professional psychologist and college professor, in history, science mythology, case studies. and individual insights to build a solid background for each of the twelve principles he covers before concluding each chapter with a concise and easily-usable version of each big idea. (Books That Will Make You Smarter)

3. Antifragile by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

This book takes ideas from the financial sector to the real world. Gives us some important tools to live our lives and tie them back to the ancient philosophers of many cultures

2. Flow: The Psychology of Happiness by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

A brilliant and clear road map to lead a life of authenticity. This book is really about organizing and living a more meaningful life. Rather than limiting itself to philosophical concepts, it provides concrete action items that can lead to bringing order into our latent experiences.

Books That Will Make You Smarter

1. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

The book presents some of the Nobel Prize-winning insights Kahman discovered with Amos Towerski. This can help you be more conscious of your decision making and better understand the decision making of your colleagues or stakeholders. The book critically analyzes the anatomy of human thought: its rationality, irrationality, inference. In a highly polarized world, this book shines the beacon of new knowledge. The most original book with impeccable concepts.

This is some book is popular and best in its genre.

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Books That Will Make You Smarter

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