A Million Junes Quotes | Emily Henry | Scribble Whatever

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A Million Junes Quotes
A Million Junes
Emily Henry (Author of A Million Junes)

“Evil’s something you can decide to do every day, and it gets easier every time. But the more good you bring into the world, maybe the more the rest of the world would look like this. Like paradise.” (A Million Junes Quotes)

Emily Henry
A Million Junes

“Grief is an unfillable hole in your body. It should be weightless, but it’s heavy. Should be cold, but it burns. Should, over time, close up, but instead it deepens.”

Emily Henry
A Million Junes

“His mouth slides down my neck, the side of his face settling over my heartbeat. “I hear you,” he whispers, kissing my collarbone. “I can hear all of you, rushing around in there. A million Jacks and Juniors and Junes, a city of them.”

Emily Henry
A Million Junes

“I promise you. I promise you the stars. I promise you the lake and falls, coywolves and robins. I promise earth and heaven: I will love you long after the last human has taken his last breath. When the stars burn out and the oceans freeze over and the whole world is ash and dust and ice, our names will still be carved into this tree of life, side by side, and I’ll still be loving you.”

Emily Henry
A Million Junes

“I think life is about learning to dance even when you’re sitting still”

Emily Henry
A Million Junes

“I think once you’ve felt grief, it’s hard not to catch someone else’s.”

Emily Henry
A Million Junes

“I was just a moment, and you gave me a million Junes. I was just a moment, and you made me forever.”

Emily Henry
A Million Junes

 “I’m happy, so happy to be a tiny fleck of a thing alongside you. We may just be moments, June, but to love a handful of people very well, that’s a good life. I was just a blip, a spark, the blink of God’s eyes. Because of you, it was more than enough. It was everything.”

Emily Henry
A Million Junes

“It’s almost funny, in a tragic way, that the fiery thing at the center of my universe did die and that I, a girl whose name is synonymous with summer, am expected to live without it.”

Emily Henry
A Million Junes

“Letting go is not forgetting. It’s opening your eyes to the good that grew from the bad, the life that blooms from decay.”

Emily Henry
A Million Junes

“Maybe for some people, falling in love is an explosion, fireworks against a black sky and tremors rumbling through the earth. One blazing moment. For me, it’s been happening for months, as quietly as a seed sprouting. Love sneaked through me, spreading roots around my heart, until, in the blink of an eye, the green of it broke the dirt: hidden one moment, there the next.” (A Million Junes Quotes)

Emily Henry
A Million Junes

“My inheritance is grief and sunlight and the ability to choose which to hold on to.”

Emily Henry
A Million Junes

“Nothing sounds better tonight than living my small life well.” 

Emily Henry
A Million Junes

“There are always at least two versions of everything, June. I’ve forgotten my own because I love your daddy’s so much.”

Emily Henry
A Million Junes

“They met far away from here, but she was a little piece of home to him, so he swept her up and brought her back with him, because he wanted all the home he could have in one place.”

Emily Henry
A Million Junes

“This is how grief works. It watches; it waits; it hollows you out, again and again.”

Emily Henry
A Million Junes

“To love a handful of people very well, that’s a good life.”

Emily Henry
A Million Junes

“We both know that pain comes for us all. It’s almost a relief. Because if all of us are going to someday lose the people we love most, or be lost by them, then what is there to do but live?” (A Million Junes Quotes)

Emily Henry
A Million Junes

“When you’ve been lost as I have,” he once said, “you get good at finding your way home.”

Emily Henry
A Million Junes

“Write the things you have the most to say about and the things you’re afraid of messing up.”

Emily Henry
A Million Junes

“You don’t have to be afraid to walk away because… there’s no expiration date on soul-love.”

Emily Henry
A Million Junes

“You know, I think my favorite parts of life are the things I didn’t know I wanted.”

Emily Henry
A Million Junes

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A Million Junes Quotes

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