Beach Read Quotes | Emily Henry | Scribble Whatever

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Beach Read
Emily Henry (Author of Beach Read)

“Again and again he told me I wasn’t myself. But he was wrong. I was the same me I’d always been. I’d just stopped trying to glow in the dark for him, or anyone else.” (Beach Read Quotes)

Emily Henry
Beach Read
Beach Read Quotes

“And that was the moment I realized: when the world felt dark and scary, love could whisk you off to go dancing; laughter could take some of the pain away; beauty could punch holes in your fear. I decided then that my life would be full of all three.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read

“As usual, the blank document was staring accusingly at me, refusing to fill itself with words or characters, no matter how long I stare back.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read

“Bad things don’t dig down through your life until the pit’s so deep that nothing good will ever be big enough to make you happy again. No matter how much shit, there will always be wildflowers.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read

“Falling’s the part that takes your breath away. It’s the part when you can’t believe the person standing in front of you both exists and happened to wander into your path. It’s supposed to make you feel lucky to be alive, exactly when and where you are.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read
Beach Read Quotes

“Happy. Not giddy or overjoyed, but that low, steady level of happiness that, in the best periods of life, rides underneath everything else, a buffer between you and the world you are walking over.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read

“He fit so perfectly in the love story I’d imagined for myself that I mistook him for the love of my life.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read

“I always like that thought, the way two people really did seem to grow into one. Or at least two overlapping parts, trees with tangled roots.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read

“I did what any reasonable adult woman would do when confronted with her college rival turned next-door neighbor. I dove behind the nearest bookshelf.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read
Beach Read Quotes

“I know feeling small gets to some people, but I kind of like it. Takes the pressure off when you’re just one life of six billion at any given moment. And when you’re going through something hard, it’s nice to know you’re not even close to the only one.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read

“I was a freak. I think being an only child did that. My parents treated me like a living TV. Like I was just this hilarious, interesting baby genius. I seriously spent most of my life delusively confident in myself and my future.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read

“I’ve never met someone who is so perfectly my favorite person.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read

“If you think the story has a sad ending, it’s because it’s not over yet.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read

“It didn’t take inspiration to dredge up a list of plot points, but to find that moment – the perfect moment that defined a book, that made it come alive as something greater than the sum of its words – that required an alchemy you couldn’t fake.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read

“It’s always harder to write when you have to. It’s like … the pressure turns it into a job, like anything else, and you might as well be selling insurance. The story suddenly loses any urgency to be told.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read

“Love, after all, was often made not of shiny things but practical ones. Ones that grew old and rusted only to be repaired and polished.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read

“Outwardly we were so different, but when it came down to it, we both wanted the same thing. A life cast in a magical glow, every moment bigger and brighter and tastier than the last.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read
Beach Read Quotes

“People were complicated. They weren’t math problems; they were collections of feelings and decisions and dumb luck.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read

“Something about that made it seem both bigger and smaller. Smaller because all the world was aching. Bigger because I could finally admit that every other feeling I’d been focusing on had been a distraction from the deepest hurt. My father was gone. And I would always miss him.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read

“Sometimes life is very hard. Sometimes it demands so much of you that you start losing pieces of yourself as you stretch out to give what the world wants to take.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read

“Sure, love happens. But it’s better to be realistic so shit’s not constantly blowing up in your face. And love is way more likely to blow up in your face than to bring eternal happiness. And if it doesn’t hurt you, then you’re the one hurting someone else.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read

“That is how life feels too often. Like you’re doing everything you can to survive only to be sabotaged by something beyond your control, maybe even some darker part of yourself.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read

“That was what I’d always loved about reading, what had driven me to write in the first place. That feeling that a new world was being spun like a spider web around you and you couldn’t move until the whole thing had revealed itself to you.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read

“That’s the key to marriage. You have to keep falling in love with every new version of each other, and it’s the best feeling in the whole world.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read

“The only promise you ever had in life was the one moment you were living.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read

“The way your writing always makes the world seem brighter, and the people in it a little braver.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read

“Trust me. You just have to open your heart. If you can do that, your world’s going to be a much brighter place from now on.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read

“When the world felt dark and scary, love could whisk you off to go dancing; laughter could take some of the pain away; beauty could punch holes in your fear.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read

“You know, maybe the reason you haven’t been able to finish your book is that you keep asking what someone else wants to read instead of what you want to write.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read

“You never get the paper umbrellas you were promised in this world.”

Emily Henry
Beach Read

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