Happy Place Quotes | Emily Henry | Scribble Whatever

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Happy Place Quotes
Happy Place
Emily Henry (Author of Happy Place)

“A silent conservation passes between us: Hi and Hi back and You’re smiling at me and No, You’re smiling at me.” (Happy Place Quotes)

Emily Henry
Happy Place
Happy Place Quotes

“All the quiet made me strain for hints and clues until I became an expert in my parents’ moods.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“And then I met you, and I didn’t feel so lost or aimless. Because even if there was nothing else for me, it felt like loving you was what I was made for. And it didn’t matter what anyone thought of me. It didn’t matter if I didn’t have any other big plans for myself, as long as I got to love you.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“Because there’s nowhere I wouldn’t go for you. And if you get out to Montana and realize there’s somewhere else you need to be, there’s nothing I’m not willing to do to make it work. I’d rather have you five days a year than anyone else all the time.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“But more often than any of those places, when I need to feel safe and happy, I go home.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“But the truth is, if I could take it all back, I would. I’d do anything to go back to that happy place, outside of time, where nothing from real life can touch us.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“Chain restaurants are the Murder She Wrote reruns of the food industry.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“Dad comes around first. He starts sending me articles about the mental benefits of making pottery, and texts about a new TV competition between ceramists.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“Every time his expression changed, I used to think the new one was my favourite. Until it changed again and I had to accept that whichever Wyn was directly in front of me, that was the one I loved most.” (Happy Place Quotes)

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“Everything is changing. It has to. You can’t stop time. All you can do is point yourself in a direction and hope the wind will let you get there. Another maritime metaphor. I am truly a local’s worst nightmare. But the point stands: change happens.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

 “Everything’s different and nothing’s changed, Harriet,” he says. “I tried so fucking hard to let you go, to let you be happy, and when I see you, I still feel like—like you’re mine. Like I’m yours. I got rid of every single piece of you, like that would make a difference, like I could cut you out of me, and instead, I just see everywhere you’re supposed to be.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“For the next week, life will be crisp white wine, creamy lobster rolls, and laughing with my friends until tears stream down our cheeks.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“From the loneliness, from the fear that I would never escape it. Because feelings were changeable, and people were unpredictable. You couldn’t hold on to them through the force of will.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“He laughs against my cheek. I wish I could swallow the sound, that it would put down roots in my stomach and grow through me like a seed.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

 “He’s become my best friend the way the others did. Bit by bit, sand passing through an hour glass so slowly, it’s impossible to pin down the moment it happens. When suddenly, more of my heart belongs to him than doesn’t, and I know I’ll never get a single grain back.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“His laugh makes his eyes flash again. They look more pale green than grey now, like water under fog rather than the fog itself.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“I feel like I’m finally there, that place I’ve always wanted to be, the other side of the lit kitchen windows I could see from my childhood street, where rooms are filled with love and noise and squabbling.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“I imagined them all thinking it was worth it. Telling me how much they loved me. All my life, when I thought of my future, that was what I pictured. Not a career. The things I thought would come with it. Happiness, love, safety. And that dream had been enough for a long time. What was school if not a chance to earn your worth? To prove, again and again, that you were measurably good. One more deal I struck with a disinterested universe: If I’m good enough, I’ll be happy. I’ll be loved. I’ll be safe.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“I knew the only thing more painful than being without him would be being together knowing I no longer truly had him.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“I love being up before anyone else and seeing the sunrise every day, being outside with the vegetables and the sunshine.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“I sit on the edge of the bed, feeling the loneliness swell, not knowing whether it’s pressing against me from the outside or growing from within. either way, it’s inescapable, my oldest companion.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place
Happy Place Quotes

“I understood then, the immense honor it is to hurt like she does. To have loved someone so much that the taste of maple syrup can make you cry and laugh at the same time.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

 “I want any universe but that one. All the rest, where it’s him and me, scattered across time and space, finding our way to each other again and again, the one constant, the only essential.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“I want my life to be like-like making pottery. I want to enjoy it while it’s happening, not just for where it might get me eventually.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“I was afraid they’d resent me and never say it, afraid they wouldn’t like me as much without Wyn, because I didn’t like me as much without him.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“I was always waiting for something terrible to happen.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“I’m good!” my mouth says. You are VERY bad, actually, my brain argues.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“I’m tired of trying to be smart at the expense of my own happiness. I want this to be forever, and I don’t want to pretend that’s not what I want.” (Happy Place Quotes)

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“In every universe, it’s you for me. Even if it’s not me for you.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“It always surprised me, how quickly the ratio of his face could change. In a second, he can go from that broody, tender look to almost boyish delight. Every time his expression changed, I used to think the new one was my favorite. Until it changed again and I had to accept that whichever Wyn was directly in front of me, that was the one I loved most.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“It doesn’t matter how busy life’s been, how long the live of us have gone without seeing one another: meeting at the cottage is like pulling on a favorite sweatshirt, worn to perfection. Time doesn’t move the same way when we’re there.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“It’s by this married couple who usually publish separately. One of them writes literary doorstop novels and the other writes romance.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“I’ve often thought the world saves its very best weather for days when you feel like everything has gone wrong.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“Like even when something beautiful breaks, the making of it still matters.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“Like he can’t fathom that all my love for him didn’t just vanish, the way his did for me. That it had to go somewhere, and funneling it into anger is how I’ve managed to make it through these last two days.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

 “Love means constantly saying you’re sorry, and then doing better.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“Meeting at the cottage is like pulling on a favorite sweatshirt worn to perfection. Time doesn’t move the same way when we’re there. Things change, but we stretch, and grow and make room for one another. Our love is a place we can always come back to, and it will be waiting, the same as it always was.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

 “My best friends taught me a new kind of quiet, the peaceful stillness of knowing one another so well you don’t need to fill the space. and a new kind of loud: noise does a celebration, as the overflow joy of being alive, here, now.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

 “My parents aren’t people of words, but they sacrificed so much. That’s love, and I hate that I want more from them. That I can’t just feel grateful for all they’ve given me, because at all times I’m aware of what it cost them.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“No,” he says quietly. “In every universe, it’s you for me. Even if it’s not me for you.” – Wyn Connor”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“Some things never change, and the best thing is to stop hoping they will.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“The most important friendships in my life all came down to a decision made by strangers, chance.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“The place I go when I feel trapped inside myself. When I’m terrified that all my happiest moments belong to the past. When my body is humming with too much of something, or aching from too little, and life stretches out ahead of me like a threat.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place
Happy Place Quotes

“There are times, still, when I am anxious about my decision, worry over whether my parents will ever understand it, understand me, or if I’ll ever find something to be my thing.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“There doesn’t need to be a winner and a loser. You just have to care how the other person feels. You have to care more about them than you do about being right.” (Happy Place Quotes)

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“There’s a heavenly bakery in one corner, and a whole local snacks section, and between the six of us, it’s like shopping with very bougie, somewhat drunk toddlers, one person wandering off every time the rest of us are ready to go.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“They all do, I think. You are in all of my happiest places. You are where my mind goes when it needs to be soothed.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“Things change, but we stretch and grow and make room for one another. Our love is a place we can always come back to, and it will be waiting, the same as it ever was. You belong here.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“This is how I used to think of love. As something so delicate it couldn’t be caught without being snuffed out. Now I know better. I know the flame may gutter and flare with the wind, but it will always be there.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

 “Want is a kind of thief. It’s a door in your heart, and once you know it’s there, you’ll spend your life longing for whatever’s behind it.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“What can you feel? Sunlight, everywhere. Not just on my bare shoulders or the crown of my head but inside me too, the irresistible warmth that comes only from being in the exact right place with the exact right people.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“Wyn’s head droops against my shoulder, his laughter spilling across my skin, dripping down my spine, lighting up my nerve endings as it goes.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“You are in all of my happiest places.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

 “You should know you’re safe with me. You shouldn’t spend every moment second-guessing how I feel when I’ve spent eight years telling you outright.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“Your job doesn’t have to be your identity. It can just be a place you go, that doesn’t define you or make you miserable. You deserve to be happy, Harriet.” He brushes a strand of hair away from the curve of my jaw. “Everything’s better when you’re happy.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“You’re a part of me. You’re so deep in my heart that I couldn’t get you out if I tried, and I don’t want to. I know how lucky I am to have you. To have people who love me enough to hold on even when I’m scared to let them close.”  (Happy Place Quotes)

Emily Henry
Happy Place

“You’re like gravity. Everything keeps spinning, but my mind’s always got one hand on you.”

Emily Henry
Happy Place

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