House of Earth and Blood Quotes | Sarah J. Maas | SW

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House of Earth and Blood Quotes
House of Earth and Blood
Sarah J. Maas (Author of House of Earth and Blood)

“And that was a winged male sitting on the opposite roof. Staring right at her.” (House of Earth and Blood Quotes)

Sarah J. Maas
House of Earth and Blood
House of Earth and Blood Quotes

“And why is it a somehow a mark against your strength to admit that there is someone, who happens to be male, worth returning to? Someone who I know made you feel like things are far from fucked.”

Sarah J. Maas
House of Earth and Blood

“Because she loved him that much more than she hated you.”

Sarah J. Maas
House of Earth and Blood

“He told me to stop crying. Said it would only satisfy those who had wronged me. That I shouldn’t give them the gift of my sorrow.”

Sarah J. Maas
House of Earth and Blood

“Hunt was so bored he honestly thought his brain was going to bleed out his ears.”

Sarah J. Maas
House of Earth and Blood

“I am a descendant of Ranthia Drahl, Queen of Embers. She is with me now and I am not afraid. My friends are behind me, and I will protect them.”

Sarah J. Maas
House of Earth and Blood

“I heard what you said.’ Pump, pump, pump went his powerful arms. ‘What you waiting to admit until I was almost dead, you fucking coward.’ His lightening surged into her, sending her body arcing off the ground as he tried to jump-start her heart. He snarled in her ear, ‘Now come say it to my face.”

Sarah J. Maas
House of Earth and Blood

“It smelled like paradise. Like home and eternity and like exactly where he was meant to be.”

Sarah J. Maas
House of Earth and Blood

“Let someone in, give them the power to hurt you, and they’d do exactly that, in the end. She couldn’t do it. Endure it.”

Sarah J. Maas
House of Earth and Blood

“Look toward where it hurts the most. That’s always where the answers are.”

Sarah J. Maas
House of Earth and Blood

“No one had ever fought for him. No one had ever cared enough to do so.” (House of Earth and Blood Quotes)

Sarah J. Maas
House of Earth and Blood

“Remember that you will die, and enjoy each pleasure the world has to offer.”

Sarah J. Maas
House of Earth and Blood

“Sandriel just gaped at the feed that had shown Bryce Quinlan casually vacuuming up the ashes of a Governor as if she’d spilled chips on the carpet.”

Sarah J. Maas
House of Earth and Blood

“She tucked away what his praise did to her heart, how it lifted the fog that had settled on her.”

Sarah J. Maas
House of Earth and Blood

“Shifter or true animal, that truth lay etched in the soul of every canine. Ithan Holstrom sprinted toward Asphodel Meadows with the weight of that history behind him, burning in his heart. He prayed he was not too late.”

Sarah J. Maas
House of Earth and Blood

“Sometimes she felt bad for Danika’s future mate, whoever that would be. The poor bastard wouldn’t know what hit him when he bound himself to her.”

Sarah J. Maas
House of Earth and Blood

“That’s the point of it, Bryce. Of life. To live, to love, knowing that it might all vanish tomorrow. It makes everything that much more precious.”

Sarah J. Maas
House of Earth and Blood

 “The power shall always belong to those who give their lives to the city.”

Sarah J. Maas
House of Earth and Blood

“The universe is massive. Some believe it has no end. Or that our universe might be one in a multitude, as bountiful as the stars in the sky or the sand on a beach.”

Sarah J. Maas
House of Earth and Blood

“Then let the world know that my first act of freedom was to help my friends.”

Sarah J. Maas
House of Earth and Blood

“Through love, all is possible.”

Sarah J. Maas
House of Earth and Blood

“To live, to love knowing that it might all vanish tomorrow… it makes everything that much more precious.”

Sarah J. Maas
House of Earth and Blood

“What brings loyalty beyond death, undimming despite the years. What remains unwavering in the face of hopelessness.” …Through love, all is possible.”

Sarah J. Maas
House of Earth and Blood

“With the strength of the most powerful forces in the world. The most powerful force in any realm. What brings loyalty beyond death, undimming despite the years. What remains unwavering in the face of hopelessness.”

Sarah J. Maas
House of Earth and Blood

“You’re the person I don’t need to explain myself to – not when it matters. You see everything I am, and you don’t run away from it.”

Sarah J. Maas
House of Earth and Blood
House of Earth and Blood Quotes

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