I Kissed Shara Wheeler Quotes | Casey McQuiston | SW

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I Kissed Shara Wheeler Quotes
I Kissed Shara Wheeler
Casey McQuiston (Author of I Kissed Shara Wheeler)

“All frogs do is eat bugs that we hate and mind their business. They don’t deserve all that. They’re literally just vibing.” (I Kissed Shara Wheeler Quotes)

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

“All I want is a nice girlfriend in a cottage where we have philosophical conversations over scones or something.”

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler
I Kissed Shara Wheeler Quotes

“And to the girl who kissed me,’ she says, ‘I have done some of the best work of my life because of you. And I know you have done some of the best work of your life because of me. I don’t know a better way to explain what love means to two people like us.”

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

“Call me old fashioned, but a man’s place is in the basement, preparing vocal excercises for his more talented wife”

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

“Don’t settle for someone who only makes you feel half alive when you deserve to be fully alive.”

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

“Forgiveness is not about forgetting; it’s about moving on and learning from past mistakes.”

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

“High school matters because it shapes how we see the world when we enter it. We carry the hurt with us, the confirmed fears, the insecurities people used against us. But we also carry the moment when someone gave us a chance, even though they didn’t have to. The moment we watched a friend make a choice we didn’t understand at first because they’re brave in a different way. The moment a teacher told us they believed in us. The moment we told someone who we are and they accepted us without question. The moment we felt in love.
“Most of the things we are feeling right now are things we’re feeling for the first time. We’re learning what it means to feel them. What we mean to one another. Of course that matters.”

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

“I don’t believe doing something in front of everybody makes it more meaningful, anyway. If anything, it makes it stop belonging to you.”

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

“I have done some of the best work of my life because of you. And I know you have done some of the best work of your life because of me. I don’t know a better way to explain what love means to two people like us.”

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

“If I seem confident, it’s because I have to. You, of all people, know what I mean.”

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

“In the end, the only thing that matters is whether you were happy or not.”

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

“It was kind of about what his idea of beauty was. Especially women– he always painted women sort of flowing through space. Girls with an effortless sort of elegance, like they’re weightless and solid at the same time.” (I Kissed Shara Wheeler Quotes)

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

“Jealousy is a funny thing. We spend so much of high school consumed by it, hating that another person has something we don’t, wishing we could taste what it’s like to be them.”

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

“Love God first, love Shara Wheeler second.”

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

“Love is not something you find; it’s something that finds you.”

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

“Of course. Of course Shara gave her this instead of an explanation. Of course Shara cast herself as the main character of her own personal John Green novel.”

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

“Shame is a way of life here. It’s stocked in the vending machines, stuck like gum under the desks. Spoken in morning devotionals. She knows now that there’s a bit of it in her.
It was an easy choice not to go back in the closet when she got here, but if she’d grown up here, she might never have come out at all. She might be a completely different person.”

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

“She feels like spine of a book about to crack and spill out all the love story guts.”

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

“She links arms with Georgia to dance and sends up her only prayer of the past four years: May they always come back to each other”

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

“Sometimes, the hardest thing in life is letting go of something you thought was meant to be.”

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

“The loudest Christians I’ve ever met were the worst ones. I don’t believe doing something in front of everybody makes it more meaningful, anyway. If anything, it makes it stop belonging to you.” (I Kissed Shara Wheeler Quotes)

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

“There are things out there for you that you haven’t even thought of yet, that you don’t even know how to think of yet. Who you are here doesn’t have to be the same as who you are out there. And if the person you feel like you have to be in this town doesn’t feel right to you, you’re allowed to leave. You’re allowed to exist. Even if it means existing somewhere else.”

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

“There was this one weekend, a million summers ago, when I sat on the shore drinking a frozen limeade, and I realized the only thing I wanted to look at was the way the sun hit the girls swimming in the lake.
The problem has always been this: When I look at you, I taste lime, and I see light on water.”

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

“There’s a girl with brown eyes who reminds me of the first book I ever loved. When I look at her, I feel like there might be another universe in her. I imagine her on a shelf too high for me to reach, or peeking out of someone else’s backpack, or at the end of a long wait at the library. I know there are other books that are easier to get my hands on, but none are half as good as her. Every part of her seems to have a purpose, a specific meaning, an exact reason for being how and what and where it is.”

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

“This is why we need you,” Georgia says. “Once in a generation, there is born a bisexual who can do math. You’re the chosen one.”

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

“True love is not about possession; it’s about setting each other free.”

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

“What do you say when The Girl tells you that you’re The Girl to her?”

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

“What she means is that nice and kind are not the same thing. Plenty of people aren’t nice at all, but they’re kind. And that’s what matters.”

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler
I Kissed Shara Wheeler Quotes

“Why is it so bad to want to feel special, or loved, or accpeted?”

Casey McQuiston
I Kissed Shara Wheeler

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