Katja Millay Quotes

Katja Millay Quotes

Katja Millay

Katja Millay grew up in Florida and graduated with a degree in film & television production from Tisch School of the Arts at New York University. (Katja Millay Quotes)

“And as much as I’m telling her to stay here, I still want her to choose to come with me. To say f*ck sanity and healing and closure. To say that I am the only thing she needs to be well and whole and alive. But we both know that’s not true.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“And if there is any part of my heart left to break, it breaks with his confusion.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“And maybe I’m a liar and I do need it, because being kissed by Josh Bennet is kind of like being saved. It’s a promise and a memory of the future and a book of better stories.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“And there are so many missing that the ones that are left don’t fit together anymore.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“Daylight won’t protect you from anything. Bad things happen all the time; they don’t wait until after dinner”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“Depends on how badly you want it. It’s worth whatever you’re willing to pay for it.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“Drew fills all the silence without ever realizing that he’s doing it. Josh melts into the silence like he’s part of it.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

 “Dying really isn’t so bad after you’ve done it once. And I have. I’m not afraid of death anymore. I’m afraid of everything else.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“Everyone wants to fix me… You’re supposed to be the person who doesn’t want to fix me.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“Everything is hell now and I deserve it, but I can handle pain.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“He turns back to the fountain so his eyes aren’t on me anymore, but I think he’s still watching.”I’d ask you, you know. If I was allowed. I’d ask you a thousand times until you’d tell me. But you won’t let me ask.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“He’s the kind of good-looking that transforms once self-respecting females into useless puddles of dumbass.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“His hands are miracles. I can watch them for hours, transforming wood into something it never dreamed of being.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“I am pressed so hard against the earth by the weight of reality that some days I wonder how I am still able to lift my feet to walk.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

 “I can afford just about anything I’m willing to pay for.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“I can be your other hand when you need it.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“I don’t do hugging. I don’t like people touching me ever when there’s no treat involved. It’s too intimate and it bothers me.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“I don’t know how to regret it. Because that would mean to regret that I ever met her and I can’t make myself do that.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

 “I don’t really care what people say about me. I’m fine with lies and rumors. It’s the truth I don’t want being told.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“I feel like grabbing my crotch and checking to see if my balls are still there because I think they may be in her pocket and I need to get them back.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“I haven’t gotten better. I’m not even close to okay. The only thing I’ve done is to decide to get better. But I think that may just be enough. I’m trying to see the magic in everyday miracles now: the fact that my heart still beats, that I can lift my feet off of the earth to walk and that there is something in me worthy of love. I know that bad things still happen. And sometimes I still ask myself why I am alive; but now, when I ask, I have an answer.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“I imagine she came out of the birth canal holding a cupcake and a spatula.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“I know at that moment what he’s given me and it’s not a chair. It’s an invitation, a welcome, the knowledge that I am accepted here. He hasn’t given me a place to sit. He’s given me a place to belong.” (Katja Millay Quotes)

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

 “I like finding things no one else is looking for. Things that got lost or forgotten, shoved in a corner. Stuff I never knew existed. I don’t even need to buy it. I just like to find it and know that it’s there. That’s the part I like.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

 “I live in a world without magic or miracles. A place where there are no clairvoyants of shape shifters, no angels or superhuman boys to save you. A place where people die and music disintegrates and things suck. I am pressed so hard against the earth by the weight of reality that some days I wonder how I am still able to lift my feet and walk.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“I was ripped out of the water and thrown and smashed into a thousand pieces that I can’t put back together. I don’t know where they go. And there are so many missing that the ones that are left don’t fit together anymore. I think I’ll stay in pieces. I can shift them, rearrange, depending on the day, depending on what I need to be.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“I will never forget what you did to me. I will never forgive it. I will never stop mourning what you stole from me. But I realize now I can’t steal it back and I’m done spending every day trying to.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

 “I wished my mother was here tonight, which is stupid, because it’s an impossible wish.” He shrugs and turns to me, drowning the smile that cracks me every time. “It’s not stupid to want to see her again.” “It wasn’t so much that I wanted to see her again,” he says, looking at me with the depth of more than seventeen years in his eyes. “I wanted her to see you.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“I’m trying to see the magic in everyday miracles now: the fact that my heart still beats, that I can lift my feet off of the earth to walk and that there is something in me worthy of love.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“I’m tired of being responsible for other people’s misery. I can’t even put up with my own.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“It amazes me how people are so afraid of what can happen in the dark, but they don’t give a second thought about their safety during the day; as if the sun offers some sort of ultimate protection from all the evil in the world. It doesn’t.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“It doesn’t matter if you do everything right, if you dress the right way and the right way and follow all the rules, because evil will find you anyway.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“It’s a little bit devastating being surrounded by people who can do what you can’t anymore. People who create. People whose souls don’t live in their bodies anymore because they’ve leached so much of themselves into their work.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“It’s all my fault! Everything is my fault and no one knows it more than me. We’re all in hell and I’m the one that put us here.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“It’s been five weeks since she walked out of my door. I started counting the second the door closed. I wonder when I’ll stop.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“It’s not that I wanted to be dead, I just felt like I should be. Which is why it’s hard when everyone expects you to be grateful simply because you’re not.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“It’s not the sound itself that bothers me; it’s just the fact that it’s loud. The loud sounds make it impossible to hear the soft sounds and the soft sounds are the ones you have to be afraid of.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“I’ve done goodbyes before, and I can do this one, too. Somehow this one hurts worse than the others; because this one I could prevent if I wanted to, since I’m the one saying it. This goodbye comes with a choice the way none of the others did.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“Just because I don’t talk about it, doesn’t mean I forget.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“Just so you know,” I inform him, “one day, I’m going to get tired of sharing your affection with that coffee table and I’m going to make you choose.” “Just so you know,” he mimics me, “I would chop that table up and use it for firewood before I would ever choose anything over you.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“Maybe I can save her right now, in this moment, and if I can do that, maybe it will save me and maybe that can be enough.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“Maybe nobody knows how. Sometimes it’s easier to pretend nothing is wrong than to face the fact that everything is wrong, but you’re powerless to do anything about it.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“My jealousy is a living thing. Shifting, changing, growing. Like my rage and my mother’s regret.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“Nothing else matters. If I had a penny right now I’d wish that were true; I want to believe it more than I’ve ever wanted to believe anything.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“Nothing is perfect. It’s not even good yet. But maybe.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“People like to say love is unconditional, but it’s not, and even if it was unconditional, it’s still never free. There’s always an expectation attached. They always want something in return. Like they want you to be happy or whatever and that makes you automatically responsible for their happiness because they won’t be happy unless you are … I just don’t want that responsibility.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

 “People who go around advertising their birthdays are douche bags. It’s a fact. You can look it up on Wikipedia.” (Katja Millay Quotes)

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“People who have never been through any sort of shit always assume that they know how you should react to having your life destroyed. And the people who have been through shit think you’re suppose to deal with it the exact same way they did. As if there’s a playbook for surviving hell.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“So let’s pretend. One night. We’ll go out and pretend we’re normal.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“Some things you just have to learn to live with.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“Sometimes it’s easier to pretend nothing is wrong than to face the fact that everything is wrong, but you’re powerless to do anything about it.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“Sugar has a very special, oversized place on my food pyramid.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“The pain is constant, steady, never-ending. It’s the only thing I know. I don’t want to be awake anymore.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“The world should be full of Josh Bennetts. But it’s not. I had the only one. And I threw him away.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“There are so many things that can break you if there’s nothing to hold you together.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“There really isn’t a way to explain how a person you’ve seen every day of your life just isn’t anymore. Someone just hit delete and she’s gone.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“There’s a reverence in the way he kisses me that frightens me, because it’s the most wonderful thing I’ve ever felt.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“We’re like mysteries to one another. Maybe if I can solve him and he can solve me, we can explain each other. Maybe that’s what I need. Someone to explain me.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“When I look at her now, I think, for just one second, that God doesn’t hate me so much after all.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“You can’t change the rules and think everyone else is just going to keep playing.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“You get halfway through with your life and you realize you haven’t done the things you wanted to do or become what you’d thought you’d become and it’s disheartening.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

“Your name could mean to excel and you could be useless and crap at everything. You can put a name on anything, call it whatever you want, doesn’t make it real. Doesn’t make it true.”

Katja Millay
The Sea of Tranquility

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Katja Millay Quotes

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