King of Scars Quotes | Leigh Bardugo | Scribble Whatever

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King of Scars Quotes
King of Scars
Leigh Bardugo (Author of King of Scars)

“Beware of power. There is no amount of it that can make them love you.” (King of Scars Quotes)

Leigh Bardugo
King of Scars

“Do that thing you do where you use too many words to say something simple and confuse the issue.”

Leigh Bardugo
King of Scars

“He did it because he liked learning the puzzle of each person. He did it because it felt good to feel his influence and understanding grow. But above all else, he did it because he knew he needed to rescue his country. Nikolai had to save Ravka from his own family.”

Leigh Bardugo
King of Scars

“I like to bet on myself whenever I can. But usually with other people’s money.”

Leigh Bardugo
King of Scars

“If men were ashamed when they should be, they’d have no time for anything else.”

Leigh Bardugo
King of Scars

“If you listened to a man’s words, you might learn his wants. The trick was to look into his heart and discover his needs.”

Leigh Bardugo
King of Scars

“Most of us can hide our greatest hurts and longings. It’s how we survive each day. We pretend the pain isn’t there, that we are made of scars instead of wounds.”

Leigh Bardugo
King of Scars

“Most women suffer thorns for the sake of the flowers, but we who wield power adorn ourselves with flowers to hide the sting of our thorns.”

Leigh Bardugo
King of Scars

“Nikolai had been told that hope was dangerous, had been warned of it many times. But he’d never believed that. Hope was the wind that came from nowhere to fill your sails and carry you home.”

Leigh Bardugo
King of Scars

“She could stay this way forever with nothing but sky and sand surrounding her. She laughed, her heart leaping. This was the magic she’d been promised as a child, the dream that all those fairy stories had offered and never delivered. She wished the girl she’d been could have lived this.”

Leigh Bardugo
King of Scars

“Stop punishing yourself for being someone with a heart. You cannot protect yourself from suffering. To live is to grieve. You are not protecting yourself by shutting yourself off from the world. You are limiting yourself.”

Leigh Bardugo
King of Scars

“Stop punishing yourself for being someone with a heart.”

Leigh Bardugo
King of Scars

“They did not look to each other for comfort. They kept each other marching.”

Leigh Bardugo
King of Scars

“They would build a new world together. But first they had to burn the old one down.”

Leigh Bardugo
King of Scars

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King of Scars Quotes

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