Lead from the Outside Quotes | Stacey Abrams | Scribble Whatever

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Lead from the Outside Quotes
Lead from the Outside
Stacey Abrams (Author of Lead from the Outside)

“At its most complex, ambition should be an animation of soul. Not simply a job, but a disquiet that requires you to take action.” (Lead from the Outside Quotes)

Stacey Abrams
Lead from the Outside
Lead from the Outside Quotes

“Because I suddenly saw opportunity where I had never been brave enough to look before, and I found that failure wasn’t fatal, that otherness held an extraordinary power for clarity and invention.”

Stacey Abrams
Lead from the Outside

“Being a token is real, and sometimes the urge to take a backseat so we don’t have to be “the one” is tempting. But denying fear of disappointing everyone to avoid responsibility for everyone doesn’t do anyone any good either.”

Stacey Abrams
Lead from the Outside

“I confronted the expected stereotypes by knowing what they were and building an alternate narrative about myself.”

Stacey Abrams
Lead from the Outside

“It’s frustrating to realize we’re taught to be humble in a way that men are not.”

Stacey Abrams
Lead from the Outside

“Logic is a seductive excuse for setting low expectations. Its cool, rational precision urges you to believe that it makes sense to limit yourself. And when your goal means you’ll be the first, or one of the few, as I desired, logic tells you that if it were possible, someone else would have done it by now.”

Stacey Abrams
Lead from the Outside

“My dad told me to get comfortable with not being anywhere near the smartest person in the room. I had to accept that I simply did not have the background or education the others did, and it was up to me to decide if that mattered.”

Stacey Abrams
Lead from the Outside

 “Never tell yourself no. Let someone else do it.”

Stacey Abrams
Lead from the Outside

“No one born into the minority has the luxury of giving up, even if we do not win enough of the time.”

Stacey Abrams
Lead from the Outside

“Our priorities should ideally engage heart and head.”

Stacey Abrams
Lead from the Outside
Lead from the Outside Quotes

“Race and sexual orientation shared common threats, but not identical ones, and when she stood too firmly on one side, she stood accused of ignoring the other. I watched with admiration as Simone came to the conclusion that the”

Stacey Abrams
Lead from the Outside

“Six weeks could not erase the difference in upbringing and access. But I learned from them, in our classes and beyond. I learned to mimic their sense of self-confidence and certainty. I didn’t lie about what I knew, but I began to carry myself differently and speak with more authority.” (Lead from the Outside Quotes)

Stacey Abrams
Lead from the Outside

“The best allies own their privilege not as a badge of honor but as a reminder to be constantly listening and learning to become better at offering support to others.”

Stacey Abrams
Lead from the Outside

“The goal is to stretch ourselves, to explore our potential, even when we know we won’t be first or the best.”

Stacey Abrams
Lead from the Outside

“To put the gap in stark racial terms, in America in 2013, the average wealth per household was $81,000. But averages have highs and lows. When you disaggregate the numbers, white families average $142,000 in wealth, Latinos come in at $13,700, and black families bring up the rear at $11,000.”

Stacey Abrams
Lead from the Outside

“We are, by our natures, often required to manufacture our own breaks, identify new openings even before others know they exist. The best hack is to know this is the case, accept it, and move on, prepared to take full advantage. And then do it all over again.”

Stacey Abrams
Lead from the Outside

“What’s not right is giving credence to bad actions, and thereby becoming complicit.”

Stacey Abrams
Lead from the Outside

“When we refuse to name our obstacles, we can never find a way around them. Worse, we accept their inevitability, believing we deserve what we get.”

Stacey Abrams
Lead from the Outside

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Lead from the Outside Quotes

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