Little Dorrit Quotes | Charles Dickens | Scribble Whatever

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Little Dorrit Quotes
Little Dorrit
Charles Dickens (Author of Little Dorrit)

“And thus ever by day and night, under the sun and under the stars, climbing the dusty hills and toiling along the weary plains, journeying by land and journeying by sea, coming and going so strangely, to meet and to act and react on one another, move all we restless travellers through the pilgrimage of life.” (Little Dorrit Quotes)

Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit

“Be guided only by the healer of the sick, the raiser of the dead, the friend of all who were afflicted and forlorn, the patient Master who shed tears of compassion for our infirmities.”

Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit

“Credit is a system whereby a person who can’t pay, gets another person who can’t pay, to guarantee that he can pay.”

Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit

“From these cities they would go on again, by the roads of vines and olives, through squalid villages, where there was not a hovel without a gap in its filthy walls, not a window with a whole inch of glass or paper; where there seemed to be nothing to support life, nothing to eat, nothing to make, nothing to grow, nothing to hope, nothing to do but die.”

Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit

“Every failure teaches a man something, if he will learn; and you are too sensible a man not to learn from this failure.”

Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit

“He never thought that she saw in him what no one else could see. He never thought that in the whole world there were no other eyes that looked upon him with the same light and strength as hers.”

Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit

In truth, no men on earth can cheer like Englishmen, who do so rally one another’s blood and spirit when they cheer in earnest, that the stir is like the rush of their whole history, with all its standards waving at once, from Saxon Alfred’s downwards.

Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit

“It was an instinctive testimony to Little Dorrit’s worth and difference from all the rest, that the poor young fellow honoured and loved her for being simply what she was.”

Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit

“Mrs General had no opinions. Her way of forming a mind was to prevent it from forming opinions. She had a little circular set of mental grooves or rails on which she started little trains of other people’s opinions, which never overtook one another, and never got anywhere.” (Little Dorrit Quotes)

Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit

“None of us clearly know to whom or to what we are indebted in this wise, until some marked stop in the whirling wheel of life brings the right perception with it.”

Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit

“One always begins to forgive a place as soon as it’s left behind.”

Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit

“One of them was my chosen friend. I loved that stupid mite in a passionate way that she could no more deserve than I can remember without feeling ashamed of, though I was but a child. She had what they called an amiable temper, an affectionate temper.”

Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit

“The changes of a fevered room are slow and fluctuating; but the changes of the fevered world are rapid and irrevocable.”

Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit

“This scroll, majestic in its severe simplicity, illuminated a little slip of front garden abutting on the thirsty high-road, where a few of the dustiest of leaves hung their dismal heads and led a life of choking.”

Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit

“What Mr Chivery thought of these things, or how much or how little he knew about them, was never gathered from himself. It has been already remarked that he was a man of few words; and it may be here observed that he had imbibed a professional habit of locking everything up.”

Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit

“While the flowers, pale and unreal in the moonlight, floated away upon the river; and thus do greater things that once were in our breasts, and near our hearts, flow from us to the eternal sea.”

Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit

“You can’t make a head and brains out of a brass knob with nothing in it. You couldn’t do it when your uncle George was living much less when he’s dead.”

Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit

“You talk very easily of hours, sir! How long do you suppose, sir, that an hour is to a man who is choking for want of air?”

Charles Dickens
Little Dorrit

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