Outrun the Moon Quotes | Stacey Lee | Scribble Whatever

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Outrun the Moon Quotes
Outrun the Moon
Stacey Lee (Author of Outrun the Moon)

“A part of me understands the need to keep order, but another part worries that we are being led to fear the wrong things. It’s just like Chinatown and all the laws passed to contain us. We were never the enemy. The enemy was our country’s own fear.” (Outrun the Moon Quotes)

Stacey Lee
Outrun the Moon

“As for Headmistress Crouch, I pegged her as the type who wouldn’t have a mate, either because of her exacting standards, or because she ate him for dinner.”

Stacey Lee
Outrun the Moon

“Cheeks are a measure of one’s authority, and my high cheekbones indicate an assertive, ambitious nature. They were a gift from my mother, and I am proud of them, even though men shy away from women with that attribute.”

Stacey Lee
Outrun the Moon

“Even if I did climb to the top of that mountain one day, people will never stop seeing my color first, before me.”

Stacey Lee
Outrun the Moon

“How easily life can end on a misunderstanding. How fragile we all are, like spider silk on a branch of thorns.”

Stacey Lee
Outrun the Moon

“I may have no notion of what’s in the beans for me now, with everything upside down and sideways. But one thing I know is that I belong in this moment.”

Stacey Lee
Outrun the Moon

“I misjudge and our teeth collide, but he gently corrects course instead of pulling away. When he kisses me back, all the hurt inside me floats to the surface and somehow drains away. It makes me want to laugh.”

Stacey Lee
Outrun the Moon

“I never said you didn’t have a heart. But it would be nice if it beat every now and then.”

Stacey Lee
Outrun the Moon

“I scold the worries away. As Ma likes to say, you cannot control the wind, but you can control your sails.”

Stacey Lee
Outrun the Moon

“It is like the moon. We can see it differently by climbing a mountain, but we cannot outrun it. As it should be.” (Outrun the Moon Quotes)

Stacey Lee
Outrun the Moon

“Maybe sorrow and its opposite, happiness, are like dark and light. One can’t exist without the other. And those moments of overlap are like when the moon and the sun share the same sky.”

Stacey Lee
Outrun the Moon

“People are like boats, always coming and going. Sometimes never returning. Now that his boat has sailed, the sea is empty for me.”

Stacey Lee
Outrun the Moon

“Some parents bring their children up and, I suppose, others let them down.”

Stacey Lee
Outrun the Moon

“The poor man, whose intentions were so quickly imagined for him because of the way the light hits his skin.”

Stacey Lee
Outrun the Moon

“Their deaths might leave a hole in our hearts as deep as the ocean, but it is only because we are as deep as the ocean, and our capacity to love is as high as the sky. The earthquake took much from us. But there is much we can take from it as well”

Stacey Lee
Outrun the Moon

“We have the same dirt under our shoes as they do.”

Stacey Lee
Outrun the Moon

“When a law isn’t just, I believe it’s okay to disobey it. In fact, I believe we are morally obliged to disobey it.”

Stacey Lee
Outrun the Moon

“While I might not have received a full St. Clare’s education, somehow I picked up something better. Friends who care enough to knock on your pumpkin and make sure you haven’t gone mushy inside.”

Stacey Lee
Outrun the Moon

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