Rebecca Serle Quotes

Rebecca Serle Quotes

Rebecca Serle

Rebecca Serle is an American author and television writer. Her novel In Five Years was a New York Times best seller, and her Famous in Love series was adapted into a young adult television series on Freeform. (Rebecca Serle Quotes)

“But it doesn’t matter now. It’s like an umbrella in the middle of a rainstorm after you’re already wet. It’s exactly what you need, what you want, but it’s come too late.”

Rebecca Serle
Famous in Love

“But the thing about parallel tracks is you can be inches apart, or miles. And lately it feels like the width between David and me is extraordinary. We just didn’t notice because we were still looking at the same horizon. But it dawns on me that I want someone in my way. I want us to collide.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“Change is the only true constant.”

Rebecca Serle
The Dinner List

“Consistent contentment rarely makes for good storytelling.”

Rebecca Serle
The Dinner List

“Hang in there. I know the road isn’t easy, but stay the course.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“Here is the thing no one tells you about cancer: they ease you into it. After the initial shock, after the diagnosis and the terror, they put you on the slow conveyor belt. They start you off nice and easy. You want some lemon water with that chemo? You got it. Radiation? No problem, everyone does it, it’s practically weed. We’ll serve you those chemicals with a smile. You’ll love them, you’ll see.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“How do you mourn something that never really belonged to you?”

Rebecca Serle
When You Were Mine

“I am constantly trying to learn the rules, only to realize that the people who win don’t seem to follow any.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“I go to the window, right by the bed. I look out on that view. The water, the bridge, the lights. Manhattan on the water, shimmering like a promise. I think about how much life the city holds, how much heartbreak, how much love.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“I had to dim my light. It was not an easy thing to be married to a celebrity. But it’s also not an easy thing to be married to darkness. Eventually I dimmed so far I extinguished”

Rebecca Serle
The Dinner List

“I have been asked if I needed help so many timed that I have been allowed to forget the question, the significance of it. I see, now, the way the love in my life has woven into a tapestry that I’ve been blessed enough to get to ignore.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“I love the order of deal making, the clarity of language – how there is little room for interpretation and none for error. I love the black-and-white terms. Apocalyptic scenarios, disagreements, and details that threaten to topple it all. It seems impossible we’ll ever get both parties on the same page, but somehow we do. Somehow, contracts get agreed upon and signed. Somehow, deals get done. And when it finally happens, it’s exhilarating. Better than any day in court. It’s written. Binding Anyone can bend a judge’s or jury’s will with bravado, but to do it on paper – in black and white – that takes a particular kind of artistry. It’s truth in poetry.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“I make her life smooth and solid. She makes mine bright and dazzling. This seems fair. A good trade.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“I need the morning. There’s something about being the first one awake that feels precious, rare. I feel accomplished before I’ve even had my first cup of coffee. The whole day is better.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“I think sacrifice is in direct opposition to manifestation. If you want your dreams you should look for abundance, not scarcity.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“I think that maybe that is what love is. Not the absence of space but the acknowledgment of it, the thing that lives between the parts, the thing that makes it possible not to be one, but to be different, to be two.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“I understand, now, that your own identity, your past, has nothing to do with the way others see you. Being a hero isn’t about someone else’s definition. Not Abigail’s and not Constance’s. Not the Post’s. Not even Claire’s. Being a hero is about one thing: the way you see yourself.”

Rebecca Serle
The Edge of Falling

“I used to think that the present determined the future. That if I worked hard, and long, I’d get the things I wanted. The job, the apartment, the life. That the future was simply a mound of clay waiting to be told by the present, what form to take. But that isn’t true. It can’t be.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“I wish you understood that you could have love beyond your wildest dreams. Stuff movies are made of. You’re meant for that, too.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“I wouldn’t say I’m a romantic, exactly. But I believe in romance, which is to say, I believe in calling to inquire about a date instead of texting, and flowers after sex, and Frank Sinatra at an engagement. And New York City in December.” (Rebecca Serle Quotes)

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“I’m sick of being the person who fits in your life but not your… fuck it, your heart.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“If there’s a clock ticking toward anything, it should be your happiness.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“I’m trying hard to remain composed. His face slackens, smooths out, and I can’t help but run my eyes over his cheeks, his ears, the freckle on his face. I think about how many times I’ve kissed that exact spot. When someone breaks up with you they should take their memories with them. It shouldn’t be possible to remember someone when they’re no longer there.”

Rebecca Serle
The Edge of Falling

“It feels impossible how much space there can be in this intimacy, how much privacy. And I think that maybe that is what love is. Not the absence of space but the acknowledgement of it, the thing that lives between the parts, the things that makes it possible not to be one, but to be different, to be two.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“It’s strange the social normalcies we hold strong to, even in the midst of extraordinary circumstances. The rules we are unwilling to break.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“Let’s just day love isn’t easy. even when you’re the sole survivors of a plane crash and you have the hots for each other.”

Rebecca Serle
Famous in Love

“Life is growth. If we stop growing, we are as good as dead.”

Rebecca Serle
The Dinner List

“Life isn’t meant to be believable. It’s meant to be magical. Haven’t you heard? Truth is stranger than fiction.”

Rebecca Serle
Truly, Madly, Famously

“Listen to me. You’re going to be fine. People do this all the time. They defy the odds. Every damn day.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“My happiness is accepting that ninety-five percent of the time my life is deeply imperfect.”

Rebecca Serle
The Dinner List

“New York kind of makes you feel like it’s the only place in existence.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“No one ever died from having too much information. It’s the misunderstandings that are the problem.”

Rebecca Serle
When You Were Mine

“No one who has lost a sibling at twelve can say with a straight face: everything happens for a reason.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“People in relationships are either flowers or gardeners. Two flowers shouldn’t partner; they need someone to support them, to help them grow… There are flowers and gardeners. Flowers bloom; gardeners tend. Two flowers, no tending everything dies.”

Rebecca Serle
The Dinner List

“She finally understands what it means to fall into someone, that part of loving someone where you’re totally consumed by them.”

Rebecca Serle
Famous in Love

“So you can’t just blame the person who leaves. If two people are unhappy, clocking the person who actually walks out the door is just getting them on a technicality.”

Rebecca Serle
The Dinner List

“Sometimes good wins, sometimes evil does. We do not fight for good’s permanent triumph, but for the balance.”

Rebecca Serle
The Dinner List

“Sometimes I think that the only true way we can ever know a thing’s value is by losing it.”

Rebecca Serle
The Dinner List

“Sometimes this happens without warning. Like the magnitude of the past – of all that has happened creeps into the space and inflates. One minute it’s this little thing – contained, pocket-size  the next minute it’s a creature. With legs and arms and scales. That’s how grief works. It’s there even when you forget about it. It doesn’t disappear, but just morphs, changes form.” (Rebecca Serle Quotes)

Rebecca Serle
The Edge of Falling

“Sometimes…the hardest part about letting someone go is realizing that you were never meant to have them.”

Rebecca Serle
When You Were Mine

“That is the thing about relationships: it’s not necessary to say everything.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“That was the night I learned that the things we don’t ask about – ignore, walk by – those can be the most deadly of all.”

Rebecca Serle
The Edge of Falling

“That’s real life. Things don’t always work out the way you think they will. They’re not so neat and tidy. But people come into your life with a purpose-I see that now. Claire likes to say that people cross your paths for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Astor was a reason. Hayley, though? Hayley is a lifetime.”

Rebecca Serle
The Edge of Falling

“That’s the thing about freewill: Every decision we make is a choice against something as much as it is for something else.”

Rebecca Serle
When You Were Mine

“That’s the thing about the places we come from – they probably say the least about who we really are than anything.”

Rebecca Serle
The Edge of Falling

“The future is the one thing you can count on not abandoning you, kid, he’d said. The future always finds you. Standstill and it will find you. The way the land just has to run to sea.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“The mere act of taking a chance, of changing, is by definition an act of evolution. And when we evolve, we grow. And that’s the point.”

Rebecca Serle
The Dinner List

“The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said.”

Rebecca Serle
The Dinner List

“The person who believes they love more believes they give more,” Jessica says. Her tone takes on a wilting, guru quality reminiscent of our early years. “And that can lead to resentment.”

Rebecca Serle
The Dinner List

“The simple beauty, as you put it, is from things not always aligning. There is no simple beauty in perfection.”

Rebecca Serle
The Dinner List

“The thing about life,” she says, “is that sometimes the roads that seem impossible just have some rocks in your way. They’re not boulders, they’re just rocks. You can move them. You are strong enough.”

Rebecca Serle
Truly, Madly, Famously

“The unspoken motto of our house: If you stay closer to the ground, you have less distance to fall.”

Rebecca Serle
Famous in Love

“The wind is low and languid, and the city is buzzy with the happy, contented quality of routine.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“There are a few ways to get ahead at a corporate law firm, and being the managing partner’s favorite is definitely one of them.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“There are a million things in this world that can end you, that can in one second obliterate the life you work so hard to keep alive. Our lives are structured around not dying. Eating, sleeping, looking both ways before you cross the street. It’s all, all of it, to keep us safe from the thing that we know is going to get us anyway. It doesn’t even make sense, if you think about it. It’s the world’s biggest joke. Our entire lives are set up around not dying, knowing all the while that it’s the one thing we can’t avoid.”

Rebecca Serle
When You Were Mine

“There are things you cannot share with friends. Even best ones. Some secrets that are kinder just to keep.”

Rebecca Serle
The Edge of Falling

“There is no simple beauty in perfection.”

Rebecca Serle
The Dinner List

“They died together; they’ll always be remembered together. It’s decided, once and for all. He was hers.”

Rebecca Serle
When You Were Mine

“They say language comes better to people who are right-brained, but I’m not so sure. I think you need a certain looseness, a certain fluidity, to speak another language. To take all the words in your brain and turn them over, one by one, like stones – and find something else scrolled on the underside”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

 “Think sacrifice is in direct opposition to manifestation. If you want your dreams you should look for abundance, not scarcity.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“This experience does not fit in your life, you have not taken any steps to have it, and yet here it is.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“This is life. We have to take it as it comes, because even though some things are really shitty, there’s a lot of really great stuff too.”

Rebecca Serle
When You Were Mine

“This is us. Spend seven hundred dollars on dinner; come home to eat eight-dollar fried rice. I never want that to change.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“This is what I want. This is what I’ve always wanted. To be somewhere that stops at nothing. To be surrounded by the pace and rhythm of greatness.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“This is what marriage is, I know. Tiffs and comfortability, miscommunications and long stretches of silence. Years and years of support and care and imperfection.” (Rebecca Serle Quotes)

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“Those are the things that define us. The way we love the people around us, and the choices we make to show it. That’s what makes us who we are.”

Rebecca Serle
When You Were Mine

“What I am telling you is that it’s not your place. You do not get to reignite someone else’s life.”

Rebecca Serle
The Dinner List

“What if the greatest love story ever told was the wrong one?”

Rebecca Serle
When You Were Mine

“When I go to speak, I realize the entire apartment is filled with water and I’m choking on everything I cannot say.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“When I look back at my relationship with [ Insert name here ] it’s at our highlights reel; our greatest hits. The stuff that crept in, the stuff that drove us apart I too easily forget!”

Rebecca Serle
The Dinner List

“Worrying is wishing for what you don’t want. Man plans and God laughs.”

Rebecca Serle
The Dinner List

“You are not wrong for loving what you do. You are lucky. Life doesn’t hand everyone a passion in their profession.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“You cannot have good without evil,” Audrey says. “They are like DNA strands. Intricately and irrevocably spun together. Sometimes good wins, sometimes evil does. We do not fight for good’s permanent triumph, but for the balance. And so it goes.”

Rebecca Serle
The Dinner List

 “You mistake love. You think it has to have a future in order to matter, but it doesn’t. It’s the only thing that does not need to become at all. It matters only insofar as it exists. Here Now. Love doesn’t require a future.”

Rebecca Serle
In Five Years

“You needed the secret kept for you more than I needed the truth to come out.”

Rebecca Serle
The Edge of Falling

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