The Four Winds Quotes | Kristin Hannah | Scribble Whatever

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The Four Winds
Kristin Hannah (Author of The Four Winds)

“A warrior believes in an end she can’t see and fights for it. A warrior never gives up. A warrior fights for those weaker than herself. It sounds like motherhood to me.” (The Four Winds Quotes)

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds
The Four Winds Quotes

“Although she hadn’t seen her parents for years, it turned out that a parent’s disapproval was a powerful, lingering voice that shaped and defined one’s self-image.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“Apparently you couldn’t stop loving some people, or needing their love, even when you knew better.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“As we know, there are lessons to be learned from history. Hope to be derived from hardships faced before. We’ve gone through bad times before and survived, even thrived. History has shown us the strength and durability of the human spirit, In the end, it is our idealism and our courage and our commitment to one another–what we have in common–that will save us.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“Believe me, this little girl will love you as no one ever has… and make you crazy and try your soul. Often all at the same time.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“Books had always been her solace; novels gave her the space to be bold, brave, beautiful, if only in her own imagination.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“Don’t worry about dying. Worry about not living. Be brave.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“Even though Prohibition made liquor illegal, there was plenty to be had for the men, who were a tough, sturdy group of immigrants from Russia, Germany, Italy, and Ireland. They’d come here with nothing and made something out of that nothing and they didn’t cotton to being told how to live, not by each other or by a government.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“Find your voice and use it… take chances… never give up.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“For a man who had two religions – God and the land – he was dying a little each day, disappointed by them both. He spent long minutes throughout the day staring at his snow-covered winter-wheat fields, begging his God to let the wheat grow.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“Hope is a coin I carry: an American penny, given to me by a man I came to love. There were times in my journey when it felt as if that penny and the hope it represented were the only things that kept me going.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“How much difference a friend could make. How one person could lift your spirit just enough to keep you upright.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“I know about growing up in a household where love is withheld. I won’t do that to my child.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“I say folks who hang on to the past miss their chance for a future.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“It wasn’t the fear that mattered in life. It was the choices made when you were afraid. You were brave because of your fear, not in spite of it.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“It’s dangerous, though. Don’t forget this. When I was a girl, I saw revolution up close. Blood runs in the streets. Don’t forget for one moment that the state has all the power – money and weapons and manpower.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“It’s not weak, you know. To feel things deeply, to want things. To need.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds
The Four Winds Quotes

“It’s open to the public, but… well… sometimes it’s better to study politics from a nice, safe historical perspective. The real thing can be pretty ugly.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“Life is more than what happens to us, Elsa. We have choices to make.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“Life is tough. You need to be tougher or it will turn you inside out.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“Life went on, even in the hardest of times.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“Love. In the best of times, it is a dream. In the worst of times, a salvation.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“Marry a man of the land, one who is reliable and true. One who will keep you steady.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“Men. They always thought everything was about them. But women could stand up for their rights, too; women could hold picket signs and stop the means of production as well as men.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“My life. It’s … more of an idea. A cause. Or it has been. For years, I’ve been fighting to make the rich pay their workers a living wage. I hate the inequity between the haves and the have-nots. I’ve been beaten and gone to prison for it.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“No sorries. We fought, we struggled, we hurt each other, so what? That’s what love is, I think. It’s all of it. Tears, anger, joy, struggle. Mostly, it’s durable. It lasts.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“Passion is a thunderstorm, there and gone. It nourishes, sì, but it drowns, too.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“Poverty was a soul-crushing thing. A cave that tightened around you, its pinprick of light closing a little more at the end of each desperate, unchanged day.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“Remember, cara, hard times don’t last. Land and family do.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“She’d learned how to disappear in place long ago. She was like one of those animals whose defense mechanism is to blend into the landscape and become invisible. It was her way of dealing with rejection: Say nothing and disappear. Never fight back. If she remained quiet enough, people eventually forgot she was there and left her alone.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“Some lives are not ours to hold on to; God makes His choices without us.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“Sometimes a person had to stand up and say enough was enough.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds
The Four Winds Quotes

“The children’s lives would never be the same after today. Their opinions of everything would change, but especially their opinions of themselves, of the durability of love and the truth of their family. They would know forever that their father hadn’t loved their mother–or them–enough to stay with them through hard times.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“The four winds have blown us here, people from all across the country, to the very end of this great land. And now, at last, we make our stand, fight for what we know to be right. We fight for our American dream, that it will be possible again.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“The growers are scared, the townspeople are angry, the state is bleeding money, and people are desperate. It’s a volatile situation. Something’s gotta give.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“The simple joy of seeing sunshine through clean glass, golden, pure as the gaze of God, and how it could lift one’s spirit.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“The things your parents say and the things your husband doesn’t say become a mirror, don’t they? You see yourself as they see you, and no matter how far you come, you bring that mirror with you.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“The world can be changed by a handful of courageous people. Today we fight on behalf of those who are afraid.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“There’s fire in you, kid. Don’t let the bastards put it out.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“What in the world was more restorative than a child’s love?”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“When your children were dying, you did anything to save them, even walk over mountains and across deserts.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“Words and ideas can be deadly. You be careful what you say and to whom, especially in this town.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“You could count on a man like that, she thought. A man who didn’t just spout ideas, but fought for them, took beatings for them, and stayed in place.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

“You know the thing about history? It’s over. Already dead and gone.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

When times is tough and jobs is scarce, folks blame the outsider. It’s human nature. And raht now, that’s us.”

Kristin Hannah
The Four Winds

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The Four Winds Quotes

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