Untold Quotes | Sarah Rees Brennan | Scribble Whatever

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Sarah Rees Brennan (Author of Untold)

“Ash made a tentative hand-waving ‘what he says may be true but please don’t think I have transformed into a violent lunatic’ gesture.” (Untold Quotes)

Sarah Rees Brennan
Untold Quotes

“Been chatting much with Jared?” “We often have special moments where I come into a room and he immediately leaves,” Kami said. “I treasure those times.”

Sarah Rees Brennan

“Being able to depend on someone doesn’t mean you’re dependent on them.”

Sarah Rees Brennan

“Every time he touched her, the touch felt new, like something they had just invented together.”

Sarah Rees Brennan

“Good practice, everyone,” Rusty said at last. “Light on the actual learning, heavy on the emotional catharsis, and thanks to Jared I think I need a rabies shot, but them’s the breaks.”

Sarah Rees Brennan

“I don’t mean to cast a dark shadow on all your hopes and dreams, except of course I do, because that is who I am. I’m a dream ruiner.”

Sarah Rees Brennan

“I don’t think you’re weak,” Jared said. “I want to guard you because you are important to me. Because you are – God, this is going to sound so stupid, I can never think of a way to say it – you are precious. I can never think of how to describe the value you have to me, because all the words for value suggest that you belong to me, and you don’t.”

Sarah Rees Brennan

“I hear in the big city, girls dress up like sexy witches and sexy vampires and sexy Easter bunnies, and go to parties where they do all sorts of scandalous things,” Kami said. “Luckily you and me, we got to walk around our town looking at our neighbours’ gardens and remarking ‘My, that’s a good-looking scarecrow’ to each other. I guess this is why our natures are so beautiful and unspoilt.”

Sarah Rees Brennan

“I thought you would like a weapon better than a rescue.”

Sarah Rees Brennan

“I wish all the sorcerers in the world had just one throat,” Angela announced. “So I could punch them in it.”

Sarah Rees Brennan

“I wish,” Jared began, and stopped, breathing in. “Do you remember how you used to believe I wasn’t real? Sometimes I wish that was true. If I was just a thought in the back of your mind, then I’d be with you, and I’d be better.” (Untold Quotes)

Sarah Rees Brennan

“If the truth didn’t help anyone, and love didn’t last, what was there left to struggle toward?”

Sarah Rees Brennan

“I’ll bury you alive by her garden gate. I’ll enjoy it. Every time she goes out in the morning, every time she comes home, she’ll walk on your grave, and she’ll know she’s safe.”

Sarah Rees Brennan

“It is always about you for me.”

Sarah Rees Brennan

“It’s Russell Montgomery the Third, actually,” said Rusty, still grinning. “But I’d be obliged if you keep that bit of information to yourself.” “I don’t imagine any of us cares enough to remember,” Jared said.”

Sarah Rees Brennan

“Jared sidled up. He was not very good at sidling; he was more of a loomer.”

Sarah Rees Brennan

“Kami linked her arms behind his back, felt the breadth of his shoulders and the reality of skin and muscle and bone, and thought again, Don’t let me go.

Sarah Rees Brennan

“Lillian shut her eyes briefly, as if she hoped when she opened them she would behold a world in which people never said ridiculous things.”

Sarah Rees Brennan

 “She had worried that she would break if her heart broke, but she wasn’t broken. she had lost everything, but she was not lost. It seemed a worthwhile thing to know.”

Sarah Rees Brennan

“She was god-awfully hideous. I swear she looked like a bad-tempered mutant tomato, and she was making a sound like a cat being fed into a printer”

Sarah Rees Brennan

“She’d always known he loved her, it had been the one certainty above all others that had never changed, but she had never said the words aloud and she had never meant them quite this way before. She had said it to him, and she hardly knew what she had meant. They were terrifying words, words to encompass a world.”

Sarah Rees Brennan

“Some say love cannot be bought, but mine is available at this time for anyone with a good heart and the ability to use a photocopier.” (Untold Quotes)

Sarah Rees Brennan

“This evening was all my dreams come true. I can never get enough of people looking down their noses at me. You do it beautifully. I wish you had two noses, so that you could look at me down both.”

Sarah Rees Brennan

“Words felt so clumsy when she was talking about feelings and not facts.”

Sarah Rees Brennan
Untold Quotes

“You know my beautiful speech has made you see me in a whole new and even more attractive light. You totally think I’m secretly deep now. And you are right. It is true. I have deeps.”

Sarah Rees Brennan

“You know, when you were three years old, you got lost in the woods and we found you with your head in a foxes den. Sometimes I think very little has changed. I mean, you be a bit taller.”

Sarah Rees Brennan

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