Win Quotes | Harlan Coben | Scribble Whatever

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Win Quotes
Harlan Coben (Author of Win)

“Extremism and outrage are simple, relentless, attention-seeking. Rationality and prudence are difficult, exhausting, mundane.” (Win Quotes)

Harlan Coben
Win Quotes

“I am rather small boned and, from a distance, appear frail – a bully’s irresistibly tasty morsel. It is only when you get close to me that you sense there is considerable coil under the clothes. But by then, it is usually too late. You’ve seen the easy mark, you’ve laughed about me with your friends, you can’t back out.”

Harlan Coben

“I don’t fly private or have a driver because I crave more comfort in my life. I spend the money on those items because at jets and chauffeur-driven cars allow you to do. I have the ability to buy time – and that, when you the end of your life, you will crave more of what the annoying experts coin “quality time.” That’s what private think about it, is the closest thing to buying happiness and longevity.”

Harlan Coben

“I don’t get fandom in general. I never care who wins a contest in which I (or someone dear to me) am not an active participant. Why, I often wonder, would anyone?”

Harlan Coben

“I find every human being is a tale if you ask the right questions.”

Harlan Coben

“I know it appears that I am casual with sex, but the truth is very much the opposite. Sex is sacred to me. It is the closest thing I will ever know to religious euphoria.”

Harlan Coben

“I like violence. I like it a lot. I don’t condone it for others. I condone it for me. I don’t fight as a last resort. I fight whenever I can. I don’t try to avoid trouble. I actively seek it out.”

Harlan Coben

“I make every woman feel as though she is the only one in the world. It is not an act. A woman will sense if you lack authenticity. While we are together, this woman and I, it is just us two. The world is gone. My focus is total.”

Harlan Coben

“If you’re ready to end it, end it. Make a clean break and don’t look back.”

Harlan Coben

“In the end, every news story, and yes, I’m moving if not mixing my metaphors, is a burning fire – if you don’t feed it a new log, it dies out.”

Harlan Coben

“In the past, those headlines would have lasted for days, weeks, even months. Not today. Today our attention span is that of a child receiving a new toy. We play with it intensely for a day, maybe two, and then we grow bored and see another new toy and throw this one under the bed and forget all about it.”

Harlan Coben

“It’s funny what you forget. Or what you make yourself forget. Except, I guess, you never totally forget, do you? You want to forget, and you even do forget, but you don’t. Am I making sense?”

Harlan Coben

“Life is a series of close calls, of weighing pros and cons.”

Harlan Coben

“Life is lived in the grays. That is a problem for most people. It is so much easier to see the world in black and white. Someone is all good or all bad.”

Harlan Coben

“Memories aren’t kept on some microchip in the skull or filed away in a cabinet somewhere deep in our cranium. Memories are something we reconstruct and piece together. They are fragments we manufacture to create what we think occurred or even simply hope to be true. In short, our memories are rarely accurate. They are biased reenactments. Shorter still: We all see what we want to see.”

Harlan Coben

“Most people hate silence and will do anything to break it, including saying something incriminating.”

Harlan Coben

“My relationships with men are like a wild buckaroo ride at a rodeo – it’s exciting and crazy and I know it’s going to be me who gets thrown off in the end and breaks a rib when I smack the ground.”

Harlan Coben

“Not all overly attentive boyfriends are psychos – but all psychos are overly attentive boyfriends.”

Harlan Coben

“People used to buy the “everyone is equal” rationale we Americans brilliantly sold throughout our esteemed history, though lately more and more get what has always been obvious: Money tilts all scales. Money is power.”

Harlan Coben

“Relationships are never fifty-fifty. Sometimes they are sixty-forty, sometimes eighty-twenty. You’ll be the eighty sometimes, you’ll be the twenty others. The key is to accept and be okay with that.”

Harlan Coben

“Sex may be the greatest shared experience in the world. Yes, I enjoy going out for a gourmet meal or a good show or the company of dear friends. I appreciate golf and music and art. But do any of those compare to an evening of sex? Methinks not.”

Harlan Coben

“That’s the trouble with your generation. You always want to unearth unpleasantness. You think dragging the ugly out in the sunlight will destroy it. It doesn’t. Just the opposite. You give the ugly thing life nourishment.”

Harlan Coben

“The humpback never sees the hump in his own back.”

Harlan Coben

“The rich are very good at using generosity to get what they want.”

Harlan Coben

“The stupidest men are the ones who think they can’t be wrong. The stupidest men are the ones who are most sure. The stupidest men are the ones who don’t know what they don’t know.”

Harlan Coben

“There is an odd psychology amongst those who inherit great wealth, because deep down inside, they realize that they did nothing to earn it, that it really was just a matter of luck, and yet how can it be that they are not special?”

Harlan Coben

“There is no bond like blood, but there is no compound as volatile either.”

Harlan Coben

“These men – sorry, I don’t want to sound sexist, but they are almost always men – are insecure losers of biblical proportions.”

Harlan Coben

“This is how I was taught to investigate. You ask questions. You poke around and perhaps you jar something loose.”

Harlan Coben

“Too much is made of “live every moment to its fullest.” It is an unrealistic goal, one that leads to more stress than satisfaction. The secret to fulfillment is not about exciting adventures or living out loud – no one can maintain that kind of pace – but in welcoming and even relishing the quiet and familiar.”

Harlan Coben

“Two of our biggest delusions are that “loyalty” and “keeping promises” are admirable qualities. They are not. They are oft an excuse to do the wrong thing and to protect the wrong person because you are supposed to be “a man of your word” or have a bond with or allegiance to someone who deserves neither. Loyalty is too often used as a replacement for morality or ethics.”

Harlan Coben

“When you do battle, rules rapidly become null and void. Bite, kick, throw sand, use a weapon, whatever it takes. Real fights are about survival. There are no prizes or praise for sportsmanship. There is a victor. There is a loser. The end.”

Harlan Coben

“When you’re young, you don’t realize how thin the line is between colorful and crazy.”

Harlan Coben
Win Quotes

“When your child is born, your life changes forever. That’s why I avoided fatherhood. I don’t want something in my life I care about more than me.”

Harlan Coben

“Women have been conditioned to please. We are responsible not just for ourselves but everyone in our orbit. We think it is our job to comfort the man. We think we can make things better by sacrificing a bit of ourselves.”

Harlan Coben

“You need to break a few eggs to make an omelet. I don’t know if that’s true, but if you break the eggs, better to make an omelet than a mess.”

Harlan Coben

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