The Mastery of Love Quotes | Don Miguel Ruiz | Scribble Whatever

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The Mastery of Love Quotes
The Mastery of Love
Don Miguel Ruiz (Author of The Mastery of Love)

“A Toltec is an artist of Love, an artist of the Spirit, someone who is creating every moment, every second, the most beautiful art — the Art of Dreaming. Life is nothing but a dream, and if we are artists, then we can create our life with Love, and our dream becomes a masterpiece of art.” (The Mastery of Love Quotes)

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“All of our drama and suffering is by practice.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love
The Mastery of Love Quotes

“And what is the right woman, the right man? Someone who wants to go in the same direction as you do, someone who is compatible with your views and your values– emotionally, physically, economically, spiritually.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“Children just feel emotions and their reasoning mind doesn’t interpret or question them. This is why children accept certain people and reject other people.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“Humans cover themselves, and protect themselves, and when someone says, “You are pushing my buttons,” it is not exactly true. What is true is that you are touching a wound in his mind, and he reacts because it hurts.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“Humans use fear to domesticate humans, and our fear increases with each experience of injustice.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“If you take your happiness and put it in someone’s hands, sooner or later, she is going to break it. If you give your happiness to someone else, she can always take it away. Then if happiness can only come from inside of you and is the result of your love, you are responsible for your happiness.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“In a relationship, we can pretend to be the same, to think the same, to feel the same, to dream the same, but there is no way that can happen. There are two dreamers with two dreams.” (The Mastery of Love Quotes)

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“It doesn’t matter how much you love someone, you are never going to be what that person wants you to be.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“Life brings to you exactly what you need. There is perfect justice in hell. There is nothing to blame. We can even say that our suffering is a gift. If you just open your eyes and see what is around you, it’s exactly what you need to clean your poison, to heal your wounds, to accept yourself, and to get out of hell.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“Life is nothing but a dream, and if we are artists, then we can create our life with Love, and our dream becomes a masterpiece of art.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“Love is based on respect. Fear doesn’t respect anything, including itself. If I feel sorry for you, it means I don’t respect you. You cannot make your own choices.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love
The Mastery of Love Quotes

“Most people live their entire lives in the track of fear. They are in a relationship because they feel they have to be. They are in a relationship where they have all those expectations about their partner and about themselves. All that drama and suffering is because we are using the channels of communication that existed before we were born.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“That is the healing. Three simple points: the truth, forgiveness, and self-love. With these three points, the whole world will heal and will no longer be a mental hospital.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“That is why every brother and sister will react differently according to how they learn to defend themselves and adapt to different circumstances. When our parents are constantly fighting, when there is disharmony, disrespect, and lies, we learn the emotional way of being like them.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“The awakening is when you have the awareness that you are Life. When you are aware that you are the force that is Life, anything is possible.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“The emotional energy that lives in our home is going to tune our emotional body to that frequency.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“The happiest moments in our lives are when we are playing just like children, when we are singing and dancing, when we are exploring and creating just for fun.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“The limit of your self-abuse is the limit you will tolerate from other people. If someone abuses you more than you abuse yourself, you walk away, you run, you escape. But if someone abuses you a little less than you abuse yourself, perhaps you stay longer. You still deserve that abuse.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“The manifestation of the disease of fear is anger, hate, sadness, envy, and hypocrisy; the result of the disease is all the emotions that make humans suffer.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“The Master lives within everyone. When you give food to the one who is starving, when you give water to the one who is thirsty, when you cover the one who is cold, you give your love to the Master.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“The one who has the little need is the one who controls the whole relationship. You can see this dynamic so clearly because usually in every relationship there is one who loves the most and the other who doesn’t love, who only takes advantage of the one who gives his or her heart. You can see the way they manipulate each other, their actions and reactions, and they are just like the provider and the drug addict.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“The real mission you have in life is to make yourself happy, and in order to be happy, you have to look at what you believe, the way you judge yourself, the way you victimize yourself”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“The truth is like a scalpel because it is painful to open our wounds and uncover all of the lies. The wounds in our emotional body are covered by the denial system, the system of lies we have created to protect those wounds. When we look at our wounds with eyes of truth, we can finally heal these wounds.” (The Mastery of Love Quotes)

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“There are humans versus humans in a jungle of predators; humans full of judgment, full of blame, full of guilt, full of emotional poison — envy, anger, hate, sadness, suffering. We create all these little demons in our mind because we have learned to dream hell in our own life.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“They are living in the moment. They are not ashamed of the past; they are not worried about the future. Little children express what they feel, and they are not afraid to love.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“To become masters of love, we have to practice love. The art of relationship is also a whole mastery, and the only way to reach mastery is with practice.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“To master a relationship is all about you. The first step is to become aware, to know that everyone dreams his own dream.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“We need to open the wounds and clean the wounds, use some medicine, and keep the wounds clean until they heal.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“We were born in this society, we grew up in this society. And we learn to be like everyone else, playing nonsense all the time.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“When you pretend to be what you are not, you are always going to fail.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“You are beautiful no matter what your mind tells you. That is a fact. You don’t have to do anything because you already have all the beauty you need.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“You create yourself, whatever you believe you are. You are the way you are because that is what you believe about yourself.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love
The Mastery of Love Quotes

“You don’t need to justify your love, you don’t need to explain your love, you just need to practice your love. Practice creates the master.”  

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

“You must forgive those who hurt you, even if whatever they did to you is unforgivable in your mind. You will forgive them not because they deserve to be forgiven, but because you don’t want to suffer and hurt yourself every time you remember what they did to you. It doesn’t matter what others did to you, you are going to forgive them because you don’t want to feel sick all the time. Forgiveness is for your own mental healing. You will forgive because you feel compassion for yourself. Forgiveness is an act of self-love.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Mastery of Love

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