The Toltec Art of Life and Death Quotes | Don Miguel Ruiz | SW

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The Toltec Art of Life and Death Quotes
The Toltec Art of Life and Death
Don Miguel Ruiz (Author of The Toltec Art of Life and Death)

“A relationship is an event; two individuals meet and catch each other’s attention. Like any event, the length and the quality of it depends on the quality of attention from both sides. A romantic relationship, like any other, can survive indefinitely. Respect is the key. Driven by old habits and emotional dramas, a union will fail, becoming an insatiable monster that eats love and turns it into a thousand investments and fears.” (The Toltec Art of Life and Death Quotes)

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“Being a lover is part of the warrior’s life, maestro. You would do well to consider that. A lover must stay alert and prepared for action.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death
The Toltec Art of Life and Death Quotes

“Confess. Admit that you’ve sinned—that you have harmed your own human being in some way. Repent—that is, make an agreement to stop. Do penance, which means to offer yourself forgiveness. Modify your behavior from that moment forward.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“Detached and attentive to life’s command, I feel only freedom and the unreserved love that arises when fear has exhausted itself.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“Each one of them was a potential warrior, capable of facing the battle within himself, but they’d all devoted too much energy to fighting outward battles instead. They would have to confront their own lies.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“Early in its education every mind learns how to use words to threaten, to punish, and to destroy. If that fact sounded harsh to his apprentices, he had only to remind them of how they spoke to themselves—how they attacked themselves on a daily basis. The mind is its own kind of predator, whether it belongs to the body of a bashful woman or a brawny man.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“Every person is capable of seeing himself, hearing himself, and modifying what he sees—not because he sees imperfection, but because he sees infinite potential.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“Freedom begins when each individual mind dares to liberate itself from the prison it created. We are free when the war in our heads is over.” (The Toltec Art of Life and Death Quotes)

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“Great spiritual warriors look deep into the psychic chasm and, confronting their worst fears, find renewed awareness and ultimate peace.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“He had spent a lifetime cleansing his mind of poison. He had searched his heart, found the corruption, and removed it. He had torn away the lies—lies he’d been told and had believed, and lies he had devised and used against himself. This was his mastery—the purification of the mind and the recovery of authenticity. This scene symbolized the mastery of death, the awakening.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“I encourage people to love themselves. I show them how respect can open doors, while fear only closes them. Respect rules heaven, and heaven is within our grasp with every choice we make.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“I saw humans more clearly. I saw them as exceptional creatures under the tyranny of knowledge, helpless to change their circumstances. The human animal is helpless, that is, until the mind decides to change and until knowledge has lost its supreme authority.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“If you dishonor an agreement, learn from the experience and do your best next time. It is an act of grace to forgive. It is an act of love to offer yourself another chance.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death
The Toltec Art of Life and Death Quotes

“It was considered a warrior’s greatest challenge to rise beyond his own beliefs. Now it is seen as a tactless assault against one’s identity. In my day, we would chase anger to its borders, cutting through thorn and weed until we found our way to the open fields of awareness.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“It was right that Dhara should be the one to lead the journey. She was the one who had sought him out, who had emerged from his sleeping dreams into his waking reality. She was a woman he could walk with. She was his woman, and her lifelong happiness was at stake.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“It’s a different kind of mind that looks inward and perceives the need to fight a battle against its own long-held beliefs and judgments. It’s a rare mind that looks, sees, and then decides to wage this war—the last war.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“Knowledge follows us everywhere, like a concerned friend or a persuasive lover. It’s the discreet noise in our head, whose meaning we think we understand. It asks that our ears ignore what we hear and our eyes deny what we see. It attempts to tell our hearts whom to love and what to hate. At its most intrusive, knowledge is a ruthless autocrat. It will abuse us and demand that we abuse others. One thought can take us far from our normal instincts and compassions. One idea can justify atrocities. It’s a simple thing to say that we are knowledge, swept from our own authenticity by words and meanings, but not so simple a thing to grasp, and to change. It’s challenging, of course, but faith in ourselves makes it possible, even inevitable.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“Let us proceed, keeping in mind that fear makes us deaf to truth.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“Love would determine everything, as it always has. My heart is full, even now.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“Love: The aspect of energy that manifests as the totality of all vibrations, moving matter and recording information into matter. Matter perceives and reflects it, and reacts with the complete range of emotions.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“My best students are still hunters, but they feed on different foods now. They were one thing, and now they’re something else. They are loyal to the human, creating realities based on gratitude and generosity. Where the mind used to control and to punish, now it serves. Where it may have behaved like a villain, now it’s a hero. Where once it craved only poison, now it has a taste for nectar.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“Not believing their strongest opinions was the most powerful tool for awareness. Not believing their own thoughts, and the stories they’d created, was the best path to freedom. They fed on superstition, and my message to them was one of common sense. Appetites would have to change.” (The Toltec Art of Life and Death Quotes)

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“The living have a simple choice. They can pay a high penalty for believing their lies—sheer stupidity!—or laugh at themselves and be happy.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“The mind shifts with small abuses of truth,” he said. “A new idea is sometimes enough—a change of perception, or one brief look into itself.” His voice was soft, but carried force. “The biggest shifts come from experiencing the pure sensations of life, without commentary. Stop thinking, and there’s only sensation. Stop trying, and you rise in love.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“The pressures of a relationship had brought out old fears, the fears of a dejected adolescent. Euphoria and anger still played against each other, and the result was considerable drama in a dream that should have felt safe.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“The Toltec sages had realized this over two thousand years before: knowledge must ultimately yield to love.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“Transformation is the result of big shifts in perceptions and responses. The process can be uncomfortable, since the mind is reluctant to notice itself, to take responsibility for its stories, and to change. When the mind is in acute resistance, the emotional body pays a price.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“We humans comprehend truth through emotion and physical intimacy, but notice how quickly we turn against truth with stories of blame or resentment. We make the human body pay for our ideas of good and evil. I learned early in my life that the truth can be felt without a story. Love, the truth of us, transforms reality on its own.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“We poison ourselves with judgment and fear, and then we spread the toxin to living beings all around us. To heal ourselves requires self-love, the white magic that works wonders on the dream of humanity.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“Words don’t need to be spoken to devastate. They have only to be thought. Words band together to form opinions, which strut along the back roads of our minds, inciting doubt and controversy. Opinions rally toward a cause—a belief.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

“Your nature is to love; remember your nature. If you are acting against your nature, you’re pretending to be another species. You’ve pretended so long that you actually are another species. Awareness means seeing, and remembering, the truth—it never went away. It never was gone, but your attention has been on the lies.”

Don Miguel Ruiz
The Toltec Art of Life and Death

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The Toltec Art of Life and Death Quotes

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