Think Like a Monk Quotes | Jay Shetty | Scribble Whatever

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Think Like a Monk
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Jay Shetty ( Author of Think Like a Monk )

A layperson who is consciously aiming to be continuously alive in the Now is a monk. (Think Like a Monk Quotes)

Jay Shetty
Think Like a Monk
Think Like a Monk Quotes

According to the Gita, these are the higher values and qualities: fearlessness, purity of mind, gratitude, service and charity, acceptance, performing sacrifice, deep study, austerity, straightforwardness, nonviolence, truthfulness, absence of anger, renunciation, perspective, restraint from fault finding, compassion toward all living beings, satisfaction, gentleness/kindness, integrity, determination.

Jay Shetty
Think Like a Monk

Albert Einstein said, “If you can’t explain something simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”

Jay Shetty
Think Like a Monk

Fear does not prevent death. It prevents life.  –buddha

Jay Shetty
Think Like a Monk
Think Like a Monk Quotes

Higher values propel and elevate us toward happiness, fulfillment, and meaning. Lower values demote us toward anxiety, depression, and suffering.

Jay Shetty
Think Like a Monk

In every relationship you have the opportunity to see the level of joy you expect and the level of pain you accept.

Jay Shetty
Think Like a Monk

Mudita is the principle of taking sympathetic or unselfish joy in the good fortune of others. If I only find joy in my own successes, I’m limiting my joy. But if I can take pleasure in the successes of my friends and family—ten, twenty, fifty people!—I get to experience fifty times the happiness and joy. Who doesn’t want that?

Jay Shetty
Think Like a Monk
Think Like a Monk Quotes

My whole life I’d been fascinated by the people who’d gone for nothing to be something, rags-to-riches stories. Now, for the first time, I was in the presence of someone who’d deliberately done the opposite.

Jay Shetty
Think Like a Monk

Negativity is a trait, not someone’s identity. A person’s true nature can be obscured by clouds, but, like the sun, it is always there. And clouds can overcome any of us. We have to understand this when we deal with people who exude negative energy. Just like we wouldn’t want someone to judge us by our worst moments, we must be careful not to do that to others.

Jay Shetty
Think Like a Monk

The more we define ourselves in relation to the people around us, the more lost we are.

Jay Shetty
Think Like a Monk

Too often to love people who don’t love us, but we fail to return the love of other who do.

Jay Shetty
Think Like a Monk

When someone hurts you, it’s because they’re hurt. Their hurt is simply spilling over. They need help. And as the Dalai Lama says, “If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them.

Jay Shetty
Think Like a Monk

When we tune out the opinions, expectations, and obligations of the world around us, we begin to hear ourself.

Jay Shetty
Think Like a Monk

When you give yourself space and stillness, then you can clear the dust.                      

Jay Shetty
Think Like a Monk

When you learn a little, you feel you know a lot. But when you learn a lot, you realize you know very little.

Jay Shetty
Think Like a Monk

When you learn to navigate and manage your breath, you can navigate any situation in life.

Jay Shetty
Think Like a Monk

When you’re present in gratitude you can’t be anywhere else.

Jay Shetty
Think Like a Monk

Your identity is a mirror covered with dust. When you first look in the mirror, the truth of who you are and what you value is obscured. Clearing it may not be pleasant, but only when that dust is gone can you see your true reflection.

Jay Shetty
Think Like a Monk

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