Turtles All the Way Down Quotes | John Green | Scribble Whatever

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Turtles All the Way Down Quotes
Turtles All the Way Down
John Green
John Green (Author of Turtles All the Way Down)

“And I wanted to tell him that even though I’d never been in love, I knew what it was like to be in a feeling, to be not just surrounded by it but also permeated by it, the way my grandmother talked about God being everywhere.” (Turtles All the Way Down Quotes)

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down
Turtles All the Way Down Quotes

“Every loss is unprecedented. You can’t ever know someone else’s hurt, not really—just like touching someone else’s body isn’t the same as having someone else’s body.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“I couldn’t make myself happy, but I could make people around me miserable.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“I don’t know what superpower William James enjoyed, but I can no more choose my thoughts than choose my name.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“I felt certain something was going to kill me, and of course I was right: Something is going to kill you, someday, and you can’t know if this is the day.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“I wanted to tell her that I was getting better, because that was supposed to be the narrative of illness: It was a hurdle you jumped over, or a battle you won. Illness is a story told in the past tense.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“I was beginning to learn that your life is a story told about you, not one that you tell.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“I was so good at being a kid, and so terrible at being whatever I was now.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“I would never slay the dragon, because the dragon was also me.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“If I die weep at my grave every day until a seedling appears in the dirt, then cry on it to make it grow until it becomes a beautiful tree whose roots surround my body.” (Turtles All the Way Down Quotes)

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“It’s turtles all the way fucking down, Holmesy. You’re trying to find the turtle at the bottom of the pile, but that’s not how it works.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“My whole life I thought I was the star of an overly earnest romance movie, and it turns out I was in a goddamned buddy comedy all along.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“No one ever says good-bye unless they want to see you again.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“Nobody gets anybody else, not really. We’re all stuck inside ourselves.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“Our hearts were broken in the same places. That’s something like love, but maybe not quite the thing itself.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“People always talk like there’s a bright line between imagination and memory, but there isn’t, at least not for me. I remember what I’ve imagined and imagine what I remember.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“Sometimes I wondered why she liked me, or at least tolerated me. Why any of them did. Even I found myself annoying.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“Sometimes you happen to run across a brilliant run of radio songs, where each tie one station goes to commercial, you scan to another that has just started to play a song you love but had almost forgotten about, a song you never would’ve picked but turns out to be perfect for shouting along to.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“Spirals grow infinitely small the farther you follow them inward, but they also grow infinitely large the farther you follow them out.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“The madness of wealth. Sometimes you think you’re spending the money, but all along the money’s spending you. But only if you worship it. You serve whatever you worship.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“The problem with happy endings is that they’re either not really happy, or not really endings, you know? In real life, some things get better and some things get worse. And then eventually you die.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“The thing about a spiral is, if you follow it inward, it never actually ends. It just keeps tightening, infinitely.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“The worst part of being truly alone is you think about all the times you wished that everyone would just leave you be. Then they do, and you are left being, and you turn out to be terrible company.” (Turtles All the Way Down Quotes)

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“True terror isn’t being scared; it’s not having a choice in the matter.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down
Turtles All the Way Down Quotes

 “We never really talked much or even looked at each other, but it didn’t matter because we were looking at the same sky together, which is maybe even more intimate than eye contact anyway. I mean, anybody can look at you. It’s quite rare to find someone who sees the same world you see.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“What I love about science is that as you learn, you don’t really get answers. You just get better questions.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“You are as real as anyone, and your doubts make you more real, not less.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“You don’t know a father’s weight until it’s lifted.” 

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“You remember your first love because they show you, prove to you, that you can love and be loved, that nothing in this world is deserved except for love, that love is both how you become a person and why.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“You think you’re the painter, but you’re the canvas”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“Your now is not your forever.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

“You’re both the fire and the water that extinguishes it. You’re the narrator, the protagonist, and the sidekick. You’re the storyteller and the story told. You are somebody’s something, but you are also your you.”

John Green
Turtles All the Way Down

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Turtles All the Way Down Quotes

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